Tip for active wholesalers: Stay in 30% under the market media value!

Tip for active wholesalers: Stay in 30% under the market media value!

So for those of you that are out there actively marketing in more in the wholesale space, I would really urge you to stay into price points under $300K. That’s one thing I’ve preached to my students over and over again, is all my students, I tell them stay in 30% under the median market value, meaning right now, the national median market values, give or take $400K . Well, I want to be in markets that are 30% under that price point, right. So as I told you, you know, North Carolina, I love it, Charlotte, I could buy homes for $120K- $150K as rentals that’s perfect. I’m looking at a four Plex in Klein, Texas right now, for $170K that would be perfect. Those numbers allow you to buy and hold. Now, is that a good number for fix and flip? Well, that’s just a different model because I’m not looking for the big margin in between. In fact, on some of these, I might even be paying close to retail, but I’m okay with that. Because for the long term, it’s not for quick cash or quick pops.

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