“I MOVE in spite of fear”. Opportunity Is Everywhere.

“I MOVE in spite of fear”. Opportunity Is Everywhere.

Who here is financially at a place that they want to be? One person? Does this one person want to make more money out of suits? You’re in the seat, right? By the way, I rose my hand too. I’m not where I want to be. Because every time I set a goal and I hate it. What do I do? Kick the pole down the field, that field goal post goes further down that field. I’m not where I want to be. So if you’re not, where you want to be financially. What is actually stopping you? Fear. That’s it. I promise you that is the only barrier between you and making tens of millions of dollars. I have fear too. I’m definitely not immune to fear. But do you understand what separates me from the vast majority of the people who have been doing this for 15 years? I move in spite of fear.

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