Real Estate PRICES DROPPING FAST! DO THIS NOW! (Housing Crash 2022) feat. Kent Clothier

Real Estate PRICES DROPPING FAST! DO THIS NOW! (Housing Crash 2022) feat. Kent Clothier

It’s easy to be a hustler in this business, it is not easy to be a business owner that takes discipline. And you got to actually be very, very intentional. So what people should be doing, if they have not already is taking a step back, and fundamentally understanding how their business needs to pivot right now.

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Yo, yo, what is up everybody? Welcome back to the science of flipping podcast. I’m your host, Justin Colby. Now, this is a very special episode that you are going to want to listen all the way through for as long as it takes because we’re all aware of the real estate shift that is happening. We’re all aware of interest rates that are happening, recession, you name it, and I have one one of my best friends, one of my original mentors and continued mentor, Mr. Kent Clothier here is to give some a little advice here on what’s going on with the market. What’s up, brother? What’s up? Man, it’s, there’s a lot of right. I mean, you know, just for perspective, if people don’t know who you are, I’ll do my best to, to let them know. But you and your family have bought thousands and thousands of homes over the last decade plus, I know you’re an investor, yourself and you you personally run, what I would argue is the highest level best mastermind for us real estate investors in our space period. So not only do you have all your own experience, but now you’re around, you know, 100 150 of the best investors in the space also. And so you’re the guy that I want to hear from about what’s going on here, what pivots need to be made, what we need to do as investors and how to take advantage of the opportunities that do get presented.

So yeah, let’s do this. Let’s jump into some stuff. Because clearly, as you pointed out, I mean, these are I would argue, you know, for a lot of people, if they are if, if they’ve gotten into the industry in the last 10 years, this is really the first time they’ve ever experienced anything that doesn’t look like you know, straight up into the right, right. And so, this is, this is where this is where all the where you find out exactly who is swimming naked real quick, right? Hopefully, as the water starts moving out, the tide goes out, as Warren Buffett said, you figure out who’s swimming naked, you’re about to figure out real quick, who’s swimming naked. And, and honestly, I’ve, I was on a call yesterday with some guys that, quite frankly, they were just a little too cocky a little to believe their own BS a little too much. And sure enough, now they’re caught. And they are in a situation where they got a ton of inventory, that they have got massive that service on rehabs that are just finished, and now they’re getting ready to have to take massive price reductions on it. And all of that could have been avoided. If you were just, you know, talking to the right people the right times. And you know, as you know, we’ll get in those rooms. This is not we don’t sit around and sing Kumbaya we get around there and talk about what everybody should be doing and what how to get ready for it not only just survive times like this, but actually take advantage of times like this. So I’m excited. Let’s talk

Yeah, man, in listen, you know, I’ve been around 15 years you have a head start on me in that space. And we’ve both seen this we’ve both been through it, we’ve both gotten her hand caught in the cookie jar and you were the one that kind of came to mean in my partner just kind of saying hey guys, you got this, you know, it will unwind itself everything will be okay and so I feel for the guys that you’re talking to because I myself was there and actually you at that moment for me, we’re the same guy you are for them which is so cool to hear obviously from man, I’ll tell you, you know, the interest rates what has happened because of my experience. I’ve been the most conservative real estate investor at a high level that I’m aware of and what I mean by that is I’ve really limited my fix and flips I’ve really limited my risk right and stuck to essentially wholesaling for the most part I would flip here and there of course, but I knew it was coming you and I knew when COVID hit you and I jumped on a zoom like immediately Alright, what do we got to do? What’s changing? What do we got to teach our students? Like it was because we knew it we’d been there Right? And that exposure of risk is why your current the guys you were talking about I was unwilling to play that game because I knew it you feel in your bones you know something’s not right economically when you know the government’s printing the money that printed interest rates are at 2.85 You’re like, oh, bro, it’s not, you know if it’s just when and here we are even as a wholesaler. I’m pivoting real time because of my end buyer. are so conservative now, right? So it doesn’t matter if you’re a fixing flipper if you’re a wholesaler, all of us are making adjustments real time because the market, right and so what what are some things, obviously yourself but being around in I’m in boardroom just so everyone’s clear like that’s a mastermind I’m in to be in the right room the proximity of the players that are really doing it. What are some things that you’re hearing? Well, they’re being made?

Yeah, here’s what we know. Right? The reality of it is, is that nobody has a crystal ball. But here’s what we do know, we do know that this is a that we are still in a market where we have a shortage of supply not only on single family, but in multifamily. And anytime you have a shortage in supply, then as the interest rates are driving up that is intended to do one thing that is to take some of the demand down and try to to create some level of equilibrium to where demand and supply are kind of a little bit in in unison. But even with all that, that going on, the reality of the situation is for the last 1011 years, we have built historically, for three to 400,000 views, fewer homes each year than we should have been building. So that means we already have a deficit of supplies somewhere in the neighborhood of about four to 5 million single family houses. You know, depending on where you live, you couple that with supply chain challenges, you couple that with skilled labor challenges, that addressing that shortage is not going to happen overnight, right? And just raising interest rates to bring down current demand is not going to suddenly fix that problem, right? What does that it’s going to do, that’s going to take a lot it’s going to compress the market is going to take buyers that believe they could afford a million dollar home now all of a sudden, they’re going to be at a $600,000 home, right 600,000. Now they’re going to be at a 400,000, it’s going to compress. But there’s still there’s still a lot of demand in the market. And when I’m strictly just talking about retail, there’s still a lot of demand out there in the market. And it’s just going to get more normal, because what’s going to happen, right, so people what is not going to happen, this is not 2008 this is not where all, you know, we had all of this false demand that was sitting out there, because we effectively had free money and you could fog a mirror, you could get a loan. That is not what the situation we’re at, at all equally. What is different about this situation is back in 2008, we did not have any of the institutional buyers, you know, this institutional buyers, the hedge funds and the large institutions that are out there buying none of that existed, the eye buyers, none of that existed back in 2008. All of that is a new phenomenon. Now when you have that kind of demand that is still very, very present in the market. And it’s only growing right. You’re only seeing more of more of this in the headlines where Blackrock or whoever is buying entire neighborhoods to go and put them into a rental portfolio. Billions, hundreds of billions of dollars still coming in getting kind of getting their war chest ready to buy as much as they can. There’s still a that that one phenomenon right there will keep us out of any situation to where you see large pools of distressed assets, like it happened in 2008. So we’re not in that situation. There’s just too many different scenarios going on. So but the situation that we are in is we are correcting right, we are getting back to something that feels a little more normal, prices will get impacted, buy boxes will get moved down, there is going to be some level of distress that comes into the market that feels a little abnormal as people as companies announced layoffs and people lose a lot of money in the markets, whether that’s in crypto, whether that is in stocks or wherever they’re, you know, getting financially pinched. That will cause some levels of distress to come into the market. But I don’t think it’s any low, you know, anything that is, again, even remotely close to what we experienced in the past, you’re not going to see this huge wave of foreclosures, I don’t think any of that is going to happen. I think what you will see again, is just more of a, a normalizing of what of what the market really should be. I mean, it’s we all got drunk on two and 3% mortgage rates. And, you know, I can remember very clearly back not too long ago where I thought six and 7% was amazing. All right, and here we are in sudden everybody in their world, everybody’s losing their shit because we’re going to basically level out at six and 7%. That’s what a more normal market really looks like. And so I think some people have to adjust. I think again, as I mentioned earlier, some people got seduced with kind of believing that low interest rates, lots of money getting pumped into it into the market, you know, kind of this free ride, if you will, I think people got Load asleep, there are some people get lulled to sleep and believe that that is normal, that’s not normal, this is normal.

I think that if you are a smart real estate investor, you’ve already pivoted. You know, and I’ll give you a classic example of this, you know, there’s a lot of people that we heard for years hold the birth strategy, you know, I’m gonna go buy rehab, and, you know, rent it out, then I’m gonna get it refinanced, I’m gonna grow. If you’re, if you were doing that, and you were basing it off old refinance rates, I got news for you, you’re about to get a very, very big wake up call. And so I think that some of the strategies that were around acquiring properties, with pretty significant debt load in place, like a burr strategy, or even like a fixer flip, those those types of organizations are going to experience more of a more heartburn than others. I think if they kind of like what you were talking about, if they’re part of like, our group, or other groups, and they, they kind of are able to see around corners, they adjusted their Buy Box, six months ago, nine months ago, 12 months ago, or they adjusted their business to be more flexible, and taking on less debt and putting themself more in the wholesale game, putting themselves more in the creative finance game, right, trying to acquire properties with creative strategies, subject to creative deals, 0%, financing, get the property, cash flowing, all that kind of stuff, those people are gonna be fine. Nothing’s gonna really change for them. I think if if you didn’t do those things, you’re going to feel it and you are feeling it right now. If you’re strictly a one trick pony, and you’re in the retail side of the market, and suddenly, you know, you were calling all the shots a year ago, and you know, being a prick about it, and like, going out there and you know, you’re getting a listing and saying, Hey, give me all your give me the 20 best offers, and they all need to be 45% over asking price, you know, hi, and you’ve got a real wake up call on your hands now, because a lot of those buyers are gone. And you got to know the markets gonna act a lot more normal, and you’re gonna have to actually do some work and go figure out what exactly what the, what the price is to that is going to move the property, you’re gonna have to engage with buyers and understand exactly what, what the market is willing to pay for any asset that you’re putting under contract from a listing standpoint, and you’re gonna communicate directly with your sellers and be very, very real with them. This is not the same market, it was six months or 12 months ago on the retail side.

There’s no doubt in that. I was made fun of the last two years since COVID. All of my fix and flip friends in Phoenix, specifically Phoenix, right. They made a killing, I mean, astronomical killing. And they’d call me be like, you’re an idiot, dude, you keep selling me these homes and you know, you make 20 grand, but I’m making 80 grand, and you’re an idiot, and I’m like, bro, God bless you make your money. I love it. Because this day was coming. I just didn’t know when now. Oddly, I haven’t heard from them in the last 4560 days. They’re rambling.
They’re busy talking to banks about getting their Lambos and their boats in their Arby’s.
Exactly. Right. And it’s just, it’s real time happening in Phoenix, for example, my business and many others in Phoenix, we could wholesale a deal 92% of ARV shit you not 92%, right, like, and then that flipper would make more money in us. Just not even like, economically, none of it is just foundational, right? It’s all pure speculation. And you know, timing is everything. But that day runs out. And now literally this week, I had a meeting with my team that we’re under 70% ARV offers, right, like, that’s a 22% swing, which is massive. And still, the buyers are, you know, alligator arming it because they need to make sure it’s the right neighborhood, the right square footage, all of those things that a good, experienced investor should have been doing from the get go. So real time this is really affecting a lot of people that were able to, to your point you get in the business in the last five years, and you’re rich, you’re rich, you have a lot of money, you have your Lambos and boats. But you don’t know the game of real estate investing. This is a long game, and this is going to happen again.

And I mean, it’s there’s a big difference. Look here, here’s here’s the difference, right? There’s a huge difference between the hustler and the business owner. And you and I’ve talked about this many, many times. Right. We talked about this a lot in boardroom we talk about it at our scale of escape events. There’s very few people in this industry, specifically educating the investors. There’s very few people who actually run businesses. This is a industry that is filled with hustlers and if you and I and I mean Hustler, you know that was going to define it. The Hustler is the person who is running from transaction to transaction. They’re in all likelihood, a high income earner, they’re just kind of, you know, they’re they’re moving. As the market moves them, Hey, I got this deal, I’m doing this deal, I’m doing that deal. Like, you know, they know, they know how to make money, which God bless them because they’re probably never going to be broke, because they required a skill, but they don’t own a business. And when you finally turn that corner, right, you kind of get kicked in the teeth a few times. And you start to understand that man, if I want to be doing this long term, I actually have to operate like a business owner, I have to operate like a CEO, I have to think strategically I have to try to look around corners, I have to put the systems and the processes and the knowledge in place, I have to run this thing with meetings and and workflows. And I really have to operate at a high level. When you make that pivot, well, then what happens naturally, is that you get around people that matter, because they think the way you think, right, they’re not in it to just run up and down the street and go do a deal just for the sake of doing a deal make a quick 1020 3040 100 grand. And those people fundamentally understand what is largely what what is going on in the market at a macro level, and then what they are going to be doing about it, if not what they’re not currently doing about it, the people that you see, moaning and groaning and are not even hearing from or you know, they don’t get washed out of this whole thing. Or the people that they they unfortunately just never looked at this in anything more than a transactional way. And they they weren’t able to pivot, they got themselves overextended, they’ve gone off, and they’ve got five rehabs going on, right, they’ve secured hard money at, you know, 12% on the deals, and if they’re getting chewed up on there, and all of a sudden, what they thought they were going to sell this property at $660,000. Now they’ve got the reality, they’re going to have to sell for $560,000. And they’re talking about how to now turn around and hand it back to the bank or hand it back to the hard money or whatever and burn every really, because they’re highly transactional. They’re not thinking about it in a strategic way. And some of that is because of arrogance. Some of that is just, you know, ignorance, lack of knowledge, lack of understanding. It’s easy to be a hustler in this business, it is not easy to be a business owner that takes discipline. And you got to actually be very, very intentional. So what people should be doing, if they have not already is taking a step back. And fundamentally understanding how their business needs to pivot right now. You in this particular space, for as we stand, you should be in a cash flow Park, I mean, a cash flow mindset. If you are going to acquire an asset, multifamily single family, the moment you acquired, it should be cashflow. If not, then you probably need to really rethink about what you’re going to do. Like if you have to take a heavy debt load, and you’re gonna go do the rehab, etcetera, etcetera. If you’re going to do a rehab, then you need to be painting the most conservative picture you can possibly paint. If I thought I was gonna be able to sell it at 800. What happens if I have to sell it at 600? And if it still makes money at 600, then maybe you’ve got you should be going and doing that deal? If it doesn’t, you have no business doing it. Nobody has a crystal ball. That’s right. You know, if you are not actively figuring out how to be in the wholesaling game and creating cash flow, you know, consistently in the business, you need to be doing that. You definitely if you’re not actively trying to figure out how to incorporate creative strategies, both on the acquisition side and the sell side, no, probably no better time in the last 15 years than right now to be selling deals with seller financing in place. When is the perfect environment perfect time to be selling deals with seller finance in place, you got all these people that are pissing and moaning could no longer could get bank qualified yet, you could sit there and sell a deal to somebody today with seller financing in place instead of renting it to them. Take a big down payment and actually create a 30 year note as opposed to a one year lease and make infinitely more money on those types of deals. So if you’re not pivoting and trying to figure out what the strategy is put in place, you’re already behind. You need to get your ass in the game and get serious real quick.

Yeah, it’s time to be creative. I mean, I’ve been on a pretty big mission over the last year or so just harping on. Stop being a one trick pony. I love wholesaling. I just mentioned I actively wholesale. It’s just one of the strategies I use. And so whether it’s wholesaler flip or wholesale or buying hold creative subject to financing. I’ve done two seller notes recently like right now you need to look at exactly the map what you have laid out to your point. Get creative with what exit strategy you’re going to use, because it’ll help you acquire it. And this is the time to be creative. How do you work deals in a creative manner to your points buying it and selling? Or, you know, holding the paper and being the bank? How do you work those deals? What needs to happen to make that a good deal? Where normally it’s not right? Go ahead?

No, what I was gonna say is that typically what people do is they get overwhelmed with, Oh, my God, all this is happening, right. So I would walk you through a couple things, if you have challenging properties on your on your desk right now, go solve each one of these one at a time, right? I’ve been there, you’ve been there, it’s one bite of that. It’s the only way to do it right. And you know, to solve the problems, you’re gonna live to fight another day, just solve the problems, get it off your plate, because you can’t do can’t be multiple places at one time, I got to get this problem off my plate, once it’s solved. Now I can actually start looking ahead, if you don’t have any of that soccer type of stuff. And you don’t fundamentally understand how to do wholesaling, or you don’t know how to do creative deal, well, then you need to align yourself with guys like you and I quickly to compress the timeline, right, you don’t have six months to figure this out, you don’t have a year to figure this out, you got to get this done quickly go get in the right rooms get aligned with the right people now can’t Well, you know, that’s gonna cost me 510 1520 $30,000 to do okay.

And like, can’t afford not to the actual answer to that, what’s the opportunity cost associated with not knowing how to do that? Right? Who in their right mind would not, you know, go and invest, whatever it is 1020 $30,000 with the opportunity to learn how to acquire a skill that can make you millions 10s of millions over the course of the next 10 years. If you’re highly transactional, you’re caught in this very present moment about right now. Because that’s what you’re trained to think like this is transactional, oh, I can’t wait this money out right now. Because then it cost me something when the reality of it is, is you can’t afford not to make investments like this, because it’s an investment in your actual future, turning it into a business. And as you know, and I know and many others know what, you know, when you get around people with quality information, quality, wisdom, quality experience, and then they’re quality people that will hold you accountable to take massive action right now. Right the ship, you can’t really even put a price tag on that on that type of stuff. Right? I mean, those are the those are the decisions that ultimately matter. I mean, once again, your view and and you know, Edie back in the day, if you think about the investment in the relationship that ultimately built the friendship with you and I which is now flourished into you know, we’re the best of friends. But you know, that one, investment and getting in alignment with me and ultimately getting in our world, how that has paid dividends, hundreds and hundreds of times over good times and bad as you mentioned, bad times oh, shit, I’m somebody that will rally a bunch of people around you and help you fix a problem like what’s going on right now. You cannot put a price tag on what it is to be Bernanke quality people for that have quality information and wisdom and they’re willing to push you outside of something that feels very, very unclear, feels very comfortable. They’re willing to push you to do something uncomfortable to keep you moving.

So what I’m going to do, because it’s a great segue, but what I’m going to do to those that are active in the real estate space right now, this moment, doing deals wholesaling, flipping, whatever, I’m gonna have a conversation offline with Kent, about inviting you to Boardroom so can you not say anything? I’ll figure it out. But I’m going to invite you to boardroom to be my guest I will work that out with can’t what that looks like. Just send me a DM on Instagram or Facebook come to me personally say Hey, I heard your podcast with Ken I would love to sit in as a guest to a boardroom mastermind, you must be an active investor. All negotiate with Ken on what that looks like. So DM me, and I’ll work it out for you guys if you’re serious about it, but you have to be a serious active investor. But let’s move on to the next part, which is is you have my favorite event coming up. I’m speaking at the event. But more importantly, this is really the most timely real estate event that there could be based around what the current economy’s is going through, right is I’m gonna argue also probably the most important real estate event of the year you hold to this is the second one of the year. It’s in Fort Lauderdale, September 9 to the 11th the scale and escape event dude you’re putting on and bro talk about great timing. I mean, in talking about to your point surrounding yourself with the right people at the right time, and what results can come from that. I mean, it really is my number one pillar I teach all my students is your network. You just brought it up my my initial relationship with you, though, at the very beginning 11 years ago, whatever it was, maybe was slightly transactional, has now built into the closest of friends but also the amount of things we’ve done together. The Business etc. This event could be that dot for some of these people that they go to this event because they listen to this podcast or watch this YouTube and say, oh my god that, you know shaped me 10 years later. Right, so let’s talk about the scale and escape event in September. Well, yeah,
I mean, look, as you can tell, hopefully everybody can tell. I mean, there’s a topic I’m extremely passionate about, right? I’ve been doing, I’ve been in this space, I hate it. I hate it when they refer to me as the OG but I guess

I mean, our Barber, we might be getting close to both being knoji. You know, I mean, the reality of it is, you know, I started flipping houses back in 2003. And I got really good at it. And then I was one of the first guys that ever really turned wholesaling into a real business. And it’s because I built a very large business in a previous life before coming in. And so most of the guys, like I said, or traditionally hustlers and I figured out a way to turn into a real business, built a lot of the data products that you now have seen, ultimately turned into this entire industry is now data driven. But back when we started putting out beta products, nobody was using it. And so through that process of building those systems, building this company, and doing all those things, we have learned a lot. And along the way, we’ve taught a lot of people how to get into the business. But recently, over the last three years I’ve seen well, I guess no since 2018, so call it four years, I saw that the the thing that I was the most passionate about, and that was also simultaneously largely ignored in the industry was everybody wants to talk about how to take the guy or girl off the street and teach them to be a real estate investor. Nobody wants to talk about how to take that guy or girl that wants their real estate investor actually how to turn them into a business owner, how to turn into a CEO how to actually create freedom, you know, if you just start off the street, and you start flipping houses or wholesaling, 99% of the people what first off 90% will fail, right, they won’t do anything. They just simply won’t even crack the book open or watch a video, they’ll go buy the course and don’t do anything which is shocking, but true. But then of that, you know, 10% that actually do something 99% of them will be trapped in a place to where they are constantly on the hamster wheel, wildly, wildly transactional running from deal to deal to deal to deal to deal in there. And the nobody ever pulls back the curtain and says, Hey, let me show you how to become the CEO. Let me show you how to put in the systems how to put in the processes, how to put the leverage in place, how to hire the right people how to train the right people how to onboard the people how to look at KPIs and run your business by the math how to look at a financial statement, how to actually scale how to add on all the different components to the business that are you know, off streets, whether that is opening up, you know, vert, completely vertically integrating by opening up a retail outlet going up and open up our retail component I should say are going up and opening the title company or insurance or you know, a marketing side of your business, all these different things of how you can scale a business and really turn it into ultimately what we all get in this for which is freedom. Nobody ever talks about. Everybody wants to talk about, hey, let me show you how to get in here and do a deal. But nobody actually wants to talk about how do you actually turn it into a business. And so as you mentioned, like four years ago, we started doing the scale and escape summit took a little break through COVID. But the reality of this is, is this entire event is centered on one thing, if you’re an experienced real estate professional agent, broker, investor, I don’t care. I know that the vast majority of you are still very, very transactional. And I also know that the vast majority of you do not know what it takes to actually scale a business especially in times like these and you don’t know how to actually set the business up where you can effectively escape it. And what does that mean? I mean, there’s at least five escapes you have to be able to make in a business you got to get out from being a transaction guy you got to get up into where you’re ultimately a manager then ultimately come a CEO then ultimately come to the business owner and then ultimately escape and become the investor sitting on top of multiple multiple companies. Those are those are five very distinct things that have to happen. You know, when you’re transitioning from the transaction in the weeds guy or girl to ultimately becoming a manager is not easy. No, nobody teaches you how to do it, how to turn how to become a manager to a real CEO. You know, isn’t isn’t easy how to go from the CEO ultimately become the you know, the business owner or there’s a CEO in place and you’re just kind of sitting on top of the chairman of the board if you will, not easy and then ultimately becoming the guy or girl that owns multiple Businesses like that, that are all spinning out cash and that have no involvement. Those are the five escapes. And so that’s what we talk about is let me show you how to go and turn this into a real business get you on the path to where ultimately you can scale it and escape the grind. And it may sound very contrarian in times, like they used to be thinking about scaling, but I can assure you, these are the exact times when very smart businesses are going out there and scooping up businesses that are up against the ropes and adding big revenue streams, they are taking advantage of as their competitors give you and I’ve talked about this before.

Right now, if you’re smart, what most of the investors in this space will do today is they are going to turn off their marketing happens everyone out there, right? We’re just going to turn it on down until we figure out exactly what’s going on, I cannot think of a better time when my competitors fall asleep, than to actually go and scale my business as fast as possible, grow my business as fast as possible in a predictable way. And, and fill that vacuum and create as much distance as I possibly can between myself and my competitors. Right, you know, some of you are competing on PPC or direct mail or texting, whatever. If 75% of your customers turn off their marketing, how hard is it for you to suddenly be great. Now, what do you have to do? I gotta stay in the game. And in fact, I should be spending more money, more effort more energy to create as much distance I want to scoop up as much market share as I possibly can. We’re the first company they think about when it comes to selling real estate or buying real estate is mind from this point forward. Yeah, that’s the opportunity. But if you don’t know how to do that, and you’re playing scared, well, then you’re part of that mediocrity. And this is a choice. This is when you know, this is when greatness is created, either you are part of the mediocrity. Or you’re part of the greatness and there is no, there are no half measures, right, you got to pick the team you want to be on. And this is a chance to pick the right team.

Yeah, I would encourage any of you out there. I don’t care if you’ve done a deal or to to be in a room. And to level your game up to have the knowledge and wisdom from the other people that have done it longer, will only expedite your process to get there faster. If you’re in the thick of the weeds right now, and you’re an active investor, and you’re doing 10 wholesale deals and you’re flipping this, this has to be a no brainer for you. Because you need to be around the people, the network, the proximity and people that have made it through this time and time again, to give you the right advice that you don’t want to go down this way.

Yeah, it’s contrary I mean, think about it. How many people do you hear out there in the market today saying go harder? You? Yeah. Yeah, a few. And when you think about it, you know, there’s not a bunch of guys that have been around doing this for 20 years. So you get to pick who you’re going to listen to right now. I can tell you, this is when you go harder, I can tell you in 2008 that this is when you know I hate to say it and talk about my event. But the guy you see today that is kind of become like I said the OG in the industry. Nobody knew who the hell I was before 2008 After 2008 2000 2010 Everybody knew who I was because of exactly what I’m telling you right now I realized I was working from a different playbook than everybody else. This is a chance where you can create your empire you just have to decide where you want to be and how you want to do and now you get the advantage I mean when I was doing that 2008 2009 nobody was around me but now you got guys like myself and Justin and others that are all be in this one room that have all been through it and now are going to tell you the same thing. This is that time you can go listen to the naysayers and go go bury your head in the the clickbait headlines and get terrified and not do jack shit. Or you can actually do the things that matter right now. And set yourself apart in a way that your future self worth for sure. Thank you for there’s no doubt about it. I mean, I’m you and I talk about this all the time. I am a product of this moment. When I had nothing when I was broke busted disgusted I lost it all right sleeping on a couch. I got into a room just like that. And that’s literally where I met you dude, right? Like you and I know this but no one else knows this like, because I made the commitment. And I had directed intention and I took action. You guys hear me say it all the time CIA CIA commitment, intention and action. I met Kent. That’s exactly how it happened. So we are clear. And from that, he told me to you know, no chance but for a while, but I warmed down and here we are, you know, 12 years later, whatever. 15 year later and my point being is this. If you are committed, as Ken says, and you have directed intention of what you’re trying to achieve, then you have to take the supporting action. Otherwise you’re not doing yourself any favors. So here’s what I did. I negotiated with Ken. I’m going to hook you guys up go to gift from gift from And I negotiated a discount for you with Ken. If you put in a promo code 25OFFTIX. TIX, there will be a 25% discount on the tickets. I think there’s three or maybe four packages, choose the one that is right for you. There’s general admission, there’s VIP, there’s diamond, etc. There’s different advantages to all of them. I met Kent all those years ago because I was committed to winning. I had directed intention on what I was trying to achieve. And I took the action to be in a room sat front row Kent was on stage. And here we are all these years later. I’m literally for so a product of this exact decision you guys have to make by watching this YouTube or listening to this podcast.

Yeah, I mean, I look you are a product of the decisions you make and the people you surround yourself with. This is an opportunity to get in the room with real players. And not just people on stage by the way. You know, because our marketing is very specific. If you are a brand new real estate investor, stay home, this is not for you. And so if you’ve never done it deals, probably a better way of saying it. But if you’re in the game, you’re doing deals and you’re trying to figure out already how to get to the next level. Everybody in that room 500 people sitting in that room are going to be where you are are further along. So it’s not just the people on the stage it’s the people in that room. And I promise you this is not some big pitch fest we’re not going to sit here and throw a bunch I mean this is highly highly tactical information. I have myself there have Justin there. We have pace more meaning Jamil will be there we have Ed my let will be there. We have Elena Cardone that we’ll be there. Bobby Castro will be there. Aaron Wagner will be there. I’m surrounding you with some of the best and then you guys are the very first to hear this. Nobody knows this. I haven’t even announced it out there at all. But I’ve got Alex Rodriguez a rod will be there as well. We’re gonna I’m gonna touch and go how he has built his multifamily portfolio to 15,000 units so fast and all the different business ventures he’s got in and some of the lessons he’s learned and moving from, you know, one of them Hall of Fame, caliber baseball player into becoming a wildly successful business guy that you see, you know, whether it’s on TV on major league baseball, or whether you see him on Shark Tank, or you know, this guy’s got a lot of stuff going on under the Timberwolves.

That’s right, he will be there, our guy a rod. So we got some, we got some high caliber people coming in the room, all to pour themselves into you. And again, if you’ve never seen Ed my let speak or a rod or myself or Elena or Bobby Castro or you’re in for you guys are in for a big a very, very big and impactful experience coming in there. This is not just people talking at you this is breaking it down, ripping it apart. highly tactical, this is what you should do in your world to make your business and your life exceptional.

100% to 100% again, gift from 25OFFTIX in in Kent has given you the gift line negotiated for you to give you a 25% discount. Go there make the right decision for yourself. This is this is everything the timing couldn’t be better. The market is shifting real time. Again, not just the speakers, but even the people in the crowd. They’re the network that you want to level yourself up with. So brother, I appreciate you spending as much time with me. Let’s get them to the event then they can all shake your hand and get to know you a little bit better. And we’ll take it from there dude, I thank you so much for spending some time here and shed some light on what’s happening in the real estate world.
Hey, man, you know I love you anytime, anyplace and look forward to seeing all you guys there. Love you too.

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