Investing In Relationships Beyond Your Field | Jason Payne

Justin: What is up, entrepreneur DNA, welcome back to another podcast. I have a good friend of mine here excited to be doing this podcast, because this man spent $60,000 to be a part of a mastermind that I run in the real estate space, and he doesn’t even do real estate. Mr. Jason Payne, what is happening, brother?

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Jason: What’s up dude?

Justin: Man, I’m excited you’re here in Miami. Dude. Love it. Excited to be here. Why did you spend $60,000 to be a part of a mastermind that you don’t even do real estate with.

Jason: People, connections, relationships, (Okay), rub shoulders with people that I want to eventually do work with. (Yeah) I might not do real estate right now, but I’m not gonna not ever do it. (Yeah) I’m just going deep with what I’m doing right now. You should get in real estate and do this. And I’m like, yes, but like, I hate people that have, oh, yeah, I have this business and this business and this business and this like eight of them, but none of them are true vertical, (Yeah). And I’m like, you have these little six or eight half ass businesses that make you half million, million dollars a year, but they’re literally, like, this little pussy, whatever want to call this drives me nuts. (Yeah) Like, dude, yo Tommy, mellow. Anyone garage doors? (No, I doubt) One of my good buddies, two, 20 million in a year in garage doors.

Justin: But I bet he’s obsessive about garage doors and running that business. (Yes) Yeah. He doesn’t have shiny object syndrome, (Yeah) So you join this mastermind because you don’t want shiny object syndrome, but you want the people in the room? (Yes) That’s everything. I’m about to give a speech, and I call it good to great. And the difference between good and great is people.

Jason: Everything comes down to relationships. (Yeah) How’d you meet? How’d you get in that room? How’d you get that speech? How’d you get that podcast? How’d you do this? Somebody connected you, or you transacted with somebody, a person, in order to make their relationship happen, to make that deal happen.

Justin: You’re in that seat right now on this podcast that will get six figures worth of views and hearing and YouTube and Instagram because of that mastermind (100%) and who knows how much revenue and business can come from that. You run a consulting business, you run a roofing business, you have a podcast yourself.

Justin: What’s your podcast?

Jason: Sexy Business Status.

Justin: Sexy Business Status. Go check out that podcast right now, and you can find them, by the way. Jason the roofer, on Instagram, uh huh, make sure you follow my man. Let’s talk about people. Because I’m, this is the biggest thing I’m, first of all, it’s my super human power. You obviously have the same thing. Your charismatic, you’re easy going. Your business now is doing, you know, $13 million a year. It’s because you believe in people.

Jason: 100% from people. That’s all. It is.

Justin: Are you at a point where you can connect the dots of how much money you’ve generated from the handshakes, you know, as our boy Bradley says, or from the people? Because I’m not, I can’t define it, but I’ll tell you, it’s a lot more than any dollar I’ve spent in marketing.

Jason: Oh, yeah. I mean, it’s in the multi millions, (Yeah) Like, not even, not even trying, yeah. Because that one, that one connection, filled that room that closed 10, 20, 30 accounts at $15,000 a piece time, and then for in the compound, relationships are compounding. (Yep) That’s why it’s not transactional, transformational, and it’s not just, so it’s a one night stand. It’s a marriage. It’s a long term thing, as long as you nurture it, obviously, right? Because there’s people like you and I met, about two years ago, and there’s people that I met that day two years ago that I didn’t stay in touch with that I didn’t, you know, nurture the relationship. But fast forward two years, and you and I are here, yeah, type deal and so, but the opportunities from that, and you’d never know what the who that person is connected to.

Justin: Of course, (It’s crazy). They don’t need, you know, one of the biggest lessons I learned is is never judge a book by the cover, meaning, if they you know, don’t look the part right, if they’re not wearing the watches and the things you know, don’t just judge that they don’t know how to make money, or they don’t have money, or any of those things, (Right) And don’t judge, or don’t put judgment on them, because you don’t know who they know, and you don’t know when you go for that ask. They might have the one heavy hitter. We just did this right now, right before we started this podcast. (Right). There’s one human, not one on this podcast, and literally, the owner of the studio says, I’m gonna introduce you to the guy, right as I’m talking about it.

Jason: It’s funny. You say, Never judge a book by its cover. The first person that came to my mind that spoke yesterday, Jesse Itzler, (Oh my god), he looks like a freaking hobo. (Totally 100%) Even yesterday, like 4500 people on a stage, and he’s there, and he looks like he’s freaking homeless, (Yeah). But the dude, his wife’s a billionaire. He owns part of the Atlanta Hawks, like dude just absolutely insane, but he literally looks homeless.

Justin: Yeah. He doesn’t care. He’s the one of my favorite people on the plane.

Jason: He’s the most authentic person you’ll ever meet.

Justin: Dude. What a great dude. Now you’re here mostly for grant. But also for me, let’s be honest, but Grant Cardone has his big 10x growth con, (Yeah). What takeaways, have you been able to capture from there?

Jason: So, a lot of it is so relationships. So, talking about relationships, in order to develop those relationships, you have to get in the right rooms. So that mastermind is a room, right? I got in the room. Then from there, it’s how valuable is the room? And there was a guy that I went to the bathroom. I take a phone call. There’s, like the VIP section of bathrooms, and little section over there I was, I was pacing, so I ended up at the bathroom in the very back. So 4,500 people back, there’s bathrooms way in the back, like the, literally the last row. It’s probably a $100 seat, (Yeah), compared to the $10,000 ones in the front. And I went to that bathroom, and a guy that actually from Arizona, was like, Jason Payne. I’m like, What’s up, man, how are you? You know, no idea who he is. It’s a realtor in Phoenix. And I was talking exactly about this, and I said, the back three rows, what’s the net worth of the back three rows of that room, maybe a million dollars combined. (Right) Now, I’m judging stereotype, but theoretically not much. (Right). Now, go to the front of the room where I personally shaking hands and talk to dudes that are doing 9 and 10 figures, yeah, whether net worth or in revenue, like gross revenue in their businesses. (Yeah) Like there’s multiple billions of dollars in the first three rows, (That’s right). And it was like, even just the bathrooms, the bathrooms, the guys were in the certain color lanyard, all those dudes paid $10,000 for a ticket. (Yep)The guys in the back paid 100 to 500 bucks for a ticket. (Yep). And I’m like, Oh my gosh. So, it’s not just the opportunity to develop the relationship is based off of the quality of the circle that you’re in.

Justin: That’s right? It’s the same pay to play thing that we always talk about, right? You paid 60 grand to be in the mastermind because you can meet me and more than me, but handful other people I’m sure, have moved your needle over the years. Same thing for this event. You’re paying 10 grand for the ticket. You probably are not alone. I’m assuming there’s a handful of your team that’s there, my wife, my COO. Right? And you are in the trenches, whether it’s with Jared or Grant himself or, you know, in the back room VIPs. It is the same argument I make about first class. Always fly first class, not because you want to feel cool or so flex, or because you get free champagne. All those things are cool. (Yeah). It is literally who you sit next to. It is, I’ve met so many. The Speaker of the House of Florida and I are friends now. He’s second in charge of the whole state. There’s the governor, the Speaker of the House. We are actual friends. Hang out, smoke cigars together because I am flying first class and he is flying first class. How cool is that? What needle? I don’t know where I’m gonna be able to have a needle moved by that, but I’m damn sure at some point in our history I’ll make a call, he’ll pull the trigger. I’ll be able to do something in Florida that I wouldn’t be able to get done.

Jason: And it’s all, all you’re doing is you’re putting yourself in with an opportunity to create a relationship with someone of a value (A 100%) and that’s what it comes down to. And so that’s every single thing I do from now on, is first class. It’s not a social status. I don’t care coach and like, do a plane is a plane. It’s like private jet versus, like, first class, and I’m much cooler than coach. t’s just not.

Justin: But even think about the private jet. Now there’s a lot of convenience to a private jet, so I won’t discount that (Right). But even then, you don’t get to talk to anybody else besides the people you’re with, and you’re not expanding your network.

Jason: Yeah, you your wife and your kiddos right on a plane. Who do you get to?

Justin: You do that at home? (Right). Now, there’s convenience, so I’m not gonna take away.

Jason: No, no. (A 100%). But not the convenience part, but the relationship part, and the opportunity is, once again, look at the value of those in coach versus those in first class, stereotypically, right? And what people in first class, they’re all they also the same mindset as you do. Some are douche bags, right? Not all of them (A 100%). But some of them will generally be like, Yo, what’s up? spark conversation, especially refined by yourself, yeah. What’s up, man, what do you do? And you start playing the name game. They’re like, Holy moly. No way this is cool. Boom, two seconds later, or a three hour flight later, boom, there’s a phone number, and let’s roll.

it’s incredible. And I can tell you countless stories, but let’s get into a little bit of the business. Now, you run a consulting business, but most impressively, you are running a very high level, high revenue roofing business out of Arizona, (Right) right? State 48 Roofing, (Yes, sir). And you built this thing up to roughly about 13 million in revenue.

Jason:  Right now. It’s doing 1.5 million a month in revenue.

Justin: That’s phenomenal. And when did you start that?

Jason: August of 2019

Justin: Dude, this is five years now.

Jason: Almost five years.

Justin: You know. So that’s impressive in and of itself. What’s the plan for this business? Where do you want to go with it?

Jason: So I’m going to do an evaluation at 25 million, and then see where it goes from there.

Justin: Youwant to exit it?

Jason: I don’t know if I want to exit it, but I want to acquire. I really have a just a passion to acquire other small businesses and or consultant.

Justin: So you are looking, and I love this. You’re looking more not to sell it and have an exit. You are saying, I want to get enough revenue I can either buy more roofing companies and or other companies, because the revenue so big, their money is so much, right? I can acquire and systemize other companies in the same way I’ve systemized the roofing company, and I can go win five companies running at 25 million versus one.

Jason: Once you do it, once you have the you have the playbook. Very simple.

Justin: So, what’s the secret to building a 10 million a year plus business. What’s been your secret?

Jason: As funny as you mentioned that relationships, (Shocker). Right. (Shocker), we call them. So there are several different things. I didn’t run an ad until six months ago. (No way I didn’t know that). Yeah, no Facebook ads, no Instagram ads. I generated $3.1 million last year from free, organic, raw, Instagram and Facebook, (No YouTube, o TikTok). It wasn’t on either of those yet, social media, social media, doing this.

Justin: Hey guys, I’m out at the next house doing a roof or whatever.

Jason: I’m up on a roof. Man, thinks a piece crap. It’s 20 years old. You have a post that’s 20 years old, give me a call. Click go to the website done over and over, I have over 6,000 posts on Instagram from my iPhone.

Justin: That is incredible. If you are out there and you are an entrepreneur, you’re a business owner, you’re a salesperson, roofer, it doesn’t matter, you will gain business through simply using social media. So I call it three different circles of your social circle, right? So you have your inner circle, friends, family, really close, like, (Sure). Right? There at your birthday party, they’re at your funeral, right? Inner Circle. Then you have the, what I call, like the outer circle, which is kind of the friends that you are, good friends, close, you’d invite them to birthday or Thanksgiving, right? Then you have your social circle. I call that the social media. Like you’re at the gym. What’s up, bro? You know the DM only, yeah, you know, hey, I saw your Instagram. Cool. But there is a much bigger opportunity in that social circle to grow a business. And people aren’t understanding the value of social media.

Jason: Right? Well, and the, the crazy part is, the people in that third circle will refer you more than the first and the second circle combined, in my opinion, because and they’ll never transact with you, (Yep). Like it’s just a fact, like, my mom’s never bought a roof from me, right? (No). She has a roof

Justin: Now has she needed one?

Jason: Maybe they didn’t. I guess I helped her do her addition we did a roof. But the principle of it, right is, like those, those close people, they know who you are, but you can the loyalty of followers that you can get from that social circle that you’re talking about is so impactful, because what you’re doing is when you add value. One of our core values, add value and educate. Add value and educate. I have a guy, another roofer in Arizona. I’m like, Dude, stop with your he does his high end crazy ass videos as little you guys tearing it off the roof, putting it back on, and this kind of shingle and metal blah, blah. But like, there’s, there’s no copy, nothing in the captions, and it’s just showing a roof being torn off and put back on high five. Like you’re not adding any value (Right). Like, just like a podcast, you’re just talking to talk to talk dude. Give something that someone can take away, that they can implement into their personal, professional or financial life to better themselves (Yeah). If not, shut up. (Yeah). Baby nuts.

Justin: It’s something that is a core value for any business owner, really is if you offer value, then you get paid more. (Yeah). You will earn as much value as you add. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of business owners that are short sighted. They want to be transactional. They want to do enough to complete the transaction and move on and go find another client. It is, and I don’t know how it works in roofing, but it is infinitely harder to find new money, meaning new clients. That is to treat the ones you already have well, provide value and retain them.

Jason: Yeah, hundreds of dollars per lead, thousands of dollars depending on your industry, to for the acquisition right, to acquire the client, or go reach out to the people that are already following you, that already love you, and say, Who do you know? Yeah, who needs this? Like it’s, it’s just having, they’re having a referral program is like mind boggling to me.

Justin: Talk about referral program, how do you implement it? What do you do? How do you incentivize them?

Jason: So our referral program is, if you refer somebody to us, depending on the size of the ticket, but what it is, we’ll give us a new cookies to your house, even, like, you’ll be amazed. Be like, oh, it’s all money. Like, dude, you’ll be amazed. Me, people don’t want money, right? Dude I’ll come inspect your roof and maintain your roof this year. Normally, it’s a value of. Of 695 bucks. We’ll come do it for free. Not a problem. And you have a wife, oh, you have a wife and kid, two kiddos, cool, four pack of crumble or whatever cookie thing there. Do they like? They beam the glow. Then they’re taking a picture. They’re posting about you like, organically, for free. (Yeah), Right? It’s just, it’s absolutely insane. Depending on we’ll run promos. We’re like, Hey, you wanna make 500 bucks if you were first and we do your friend’s house in this time frame, we’ll, we’ll give you a 500 gift card to the Great Wolf Lodge or The Princess or, you know, somewhere to go do X and Y and Z, somewhere where people are gonna go anyways. I do it like, I totally use that $50 or $100 or $500 towards that. So gift cards, heavy on the gift cards, heavy on the cookies, heavy. I spend probably at least $2,000 a month on cookies.

Justin: Is that why you doing 75 hard too many cookies in the office?

Jason: No, I send them. No, there’s no cookies at my office, no cookies. No, it’s uh, but no, it’s people. People just love it. People. They want to feel appreciated,

Justin: Right? They want to be seen too, right? They want to feel appreciated seen. You know, interestingly, I’m going through an awful experience, and I hit you up. You know about my roof, and a year ago, I’m still, a year later, we just had a storm come through a week and a half ago, (Right). My guest bathroom crumbles. I had my kitchen. So we replaced our roof because there was a leak. Replace the whole thing, tile roof. All sudden, three day rain storm in Miami, kitchen starts leaking. I just replaced the roof. He comes out, fixes it. This rainstorm last week or two weeks ago, literally, my entire guest bathroom ceiling,

Jayson: Dude, I saw your video. (Yeah). You know, he’s ever seen child TV? Like, Oh, were they so I am (I know of it), but yeah, it’s like, bunch of just funny and like crazy ass videos from, you know.

Justin: Did my video hit chive?

Jason: It reminded me of chive, Oh, yeah. Like, that’s how bad it was, dude. It wasn’t like, oh, it’s leaking. Like, oh, come fix it. Like, holy shit, there’s like, buckets, plural, of water coming into this house. Yeah. I’m like…

Justin: Bro, I’m dealing with a roofer who is just a piece of crap, right? They don’t do the right thing, they will never get a referral. In fact, my wife today is, along with the city, we’re trying to basically put them out of business, because the reality is, yeah, it’s his business. But if you treat people like me that way, I know too much about business like this is your livelihood. You did not do the right thing from the start. You did a cheap job. He didn’t use and you’ll know this, and the audience probably will. He didn’t use hot tar. And so I have a flat deck that goes into the vaulted ceiling, and so it puddles because he did it the cheap way, which I think was just the paper way or whatever it is. It you know, the puddles were enough to start to leak again. It’s the second time now. And I’m like.

Jason: How old’s the roof?

Justin: Six months old.

Jason: Funny, crazy.

Justin: He’s already been out there twice.

Jason: Crazy stuff, ready? So, in the United States and Canada, for the past 25 years, ROC is called the register of contractors, right? Those that are in blue collar space register a contractors. Basically the police for contractors. (Yeah). And if, in the past 25 years, you get a complaint for doing stupid things like this, right, ghosting people, taking their money, doing shoddy work, a lot of variables. And in the past 25 years, 21 out of the 25 years roofing has had the number one complaints. 21 out of 25 years at one point in time, it was 17 years in a row. Like, that is some good job. Like, that’s a that is a record. Like, (Yeah), in a very bad way, (In a bad way). But, like, that’s how. But, you know, the crazy part is, it’s in every single trade. That’s why. Like, going back to the coaching  the consulting side is, it’s called Sexy Business Status. Why? Because I want the status of your business to be sexy. The roofer that worked on your roof, his business is not sexy. It’s garbage because he’s giving you that one that kind of workmanship, which is a also brings in a crappy warranty, yeah, right, and then also crappy customer service. So crappy, crappy, crappy, you’re over three likes, three strikes you are out.

Justin: The customer service, dude. This happened 10 days ago. He still hasn’t been to the house. I had to hire another roofer to fix it, not completely, just to fix the area. And he hasn’t even he was supposed to come today. He said, “Oh, sorry. The guy who you know I usually use for this isn’t around”. So, I just told my wife, “I’m like, I’m done”. She calls the city. We’re just going full tilt to just take him down, because I’m not going to be the only person. Like, that’s not fair for other families. So, it’s almost like my obligation to report him, to say, Hey, dude, you’re going to go out of business because you haven’t been to the house in 10 days after we’ve told you. We sent you the video. You just did this roof. Like, you can’t even show up once.

Jason: Apart from interior damages. So, oh, imagine, imagine a homeowner or a family that’s that’s not, you know, wealthy, for lack of better words, but they still need a roof. They got a roof. And then this happens, like, Dude, I just paid tens of thousands of dollars in a roof fixed. Now I gotta hire another roofer. I don’t have that money. Well, by the way. Now. There’s $2K, 3$K, 5$K, $1,000 maybe more, of interior damages, right? And all that. And this guy literally just disappears.

Justin: He’s freaking joke, my wife, but gives just excuses. And so anyways, I don’t want to Bogart the conversation, but that’s just like, it’s real life, right? So how do you create a business as a reputation above beyond, and you can do the simple things that you’re doing. And that’s simple, sending cookies, gift cards, showing up and giving yearly service, right at no cost. Hey, checking in. If this guy would have done that he wouldn’t be in the position he’s in. (Right). People under business owners especially underestimate the value of this service component. So, I’m launching a tech space has already launched, etc. Our number one mission right now is service first, not sales first. Service First, because if you have a happy client, they tell other people, that’s why you’ve been able to do three, four or $5 million in a year. Because they started telling other people, Jason 48 roofing, that’s the guy that you need to go get your roof with.

Jason: One of our first core value is be obsessed with providing a five star experience. Their first core value, because what it does is it sets the standard for everybody, including the homeowners. Hey, like, we’re obsessed with providing this experience. We also want that to be reciprocated. We want you to be a great client, not a royal D bag, right? But, like, be a great client. We’re gonna give you great service. We’re gonna give you great service. We’re gonna have a great experience. Let’s roll Yeah, right. Also keeps my cruise in check. Hey, was this a five star experience? Oh, it wasn’t cool. You get a deduction of pay, or you’d go fix x or y or z for free. Why? Because I require my standards of five star experience. You just told me give a two or a three. So guess what? You get to go fix it and make it a five on your dime. Sales Reps, you bid something wrong. You don’t do it right. You leave out something for my production team, and they can’t fulfill it because the approval notes aren’t synced up, and they’re automated, but like they’re they just miss something right. Replace the skylight. You do the entire roof and miss a skylight. Rain comes, boom, leaks. Why? Because of skylight, because the sales rep didn’t tell the production team to replace the skylight, but it’s literally on the contracts, and they paid for it, so the sales rep didn’t give a provide a five star experience. Boom, I get part of your commission to go replace a skylight, and now the interior damages and cookies. But like, dude, when you when you truly understand that your reputation is everything, you will do anything to save it.

Justin: Anything and just to keep it out of harm’s way. (Yeah). I mean, the internet is brutal, right? I mean, you go get a bad reputation on Google or Yelp. I mean, in case your business. I mean, you might still be able to exist and make some money, but you’re never really gonna go really anywhere, right? But you know what, all things you’re talking about is the same point that we brought up, service is directly related to the people. You treat people, right? You give them value. You love on them. You do the right thing by them. You the business will win in a massive, massive way.

Jason: Yeah, (Right?). Here’s the thing, though, like, it all starts at the top. It all starts with leadership. Like, if you don’t have that standard and you’re okay with like, a three or a three and a half, maybe a four star. And you’re okay with that. That means that you’re and by the way, just because you’re a five doesn’t mean your team’s always gonna be out of five. If you’re not at a five, you can’t you cannot require them or expect them to give a five.

Justin: It’s like kids, like parenting. (Yes). You can’t get mad at your kid for doing something dumb when he sees you do the same damn thing every single time.

Jason: You

drop the F bomb in your house all the time, and your kid drops F bomb. Who like your (Your standards). You’re a hypocrite, (Right). Yeah, there’s total standards, and that’s but we we see that like in family and in marriages. But what about also in business? Are we being a fraud to our team members by not setting the expectation right, being consistent with the expectation the standard, and then holding them accountable for it. Because I can’t hold them accountable if I’m not doing it.

Justin: One of my previous guests and a friend in Phoenix, Andy Elliott, right? He’s building on pushing up early, working out, and he won’t tolerate his employees not doing the same thing. I say that because it’s very incongruent when business owners say, hey, we need you to show up early every single day, 7am whatever. 8am something before the standard nine. But the owner walks in at 10:30AM, 11:00AM with a latte and, you know, Hey guys, how’s everything doing? Right? And you’re like, that’s not gonna grow it. You’re not gonna motivate your troops by you being the last in the office regardless how big you are, right? I mean, at some level, when you’re Apple, fine, but you know, when you’re us, when you’re you know, 10 plus million a year, they need to see the guy in the trenches, right, the same way they are, because it’s not big enough for you not to be reliant on the standard. Needs to start with you in leadership,

Jason: Right? My buddy Tommy Mello taught that on our stage, actually, the one that you’re at, (Yeah), and, and he said something that hit me like a ton of bricks. He said, as you get going, and he said, depending on your business and revenue, talking to blue collar guys, mostly, he’s like, when you pass that five to $8 million mark, where your company is kind of turnkey, where it’s like you’re not swinging the hammer. You’re not, you know, ordering the, you know, dropping off the dump trailer. You’re not ordering the materials. You’re not collecting it, going to the homeowner to collect a check. You have people doing that. And it’s hands, it’s not turnkey, but it’s hands free for you. Um, physically, he said that is one of the biggest problems, is the owner disappears, stays home, doesn’t show up on the office. Your team members don’t see in the office. They don’t see you grinding this. You making, making all this money. As you all know that with business owners, right? Cody Sanchez brought that. It was really funny. She’s like, Yeah, all this stuff, like 3% profit, like, shut up.

Justin: By the way, that’s very accurate. (Yes). People that brag about the money, and I’m a victim of this, I did this earlier in my career, (Sure), and I had all the things, the Maseratis and the right, but I had 9% profit margin, nine multi million company, 9% profit margin. It’s a crap business for all those that don’t know that. (Yeah). So, I’m fully in agreement.

Jason: Which is crazy, because the roofing industry is averages 90,000 roofing contractors in the USA, 90,000 average net profit is 9%.

Justin: In my opinion, in our respect, you have this company as crap, because that means that’s what you’re able to put in your pocket in the year, in distributions, (Right). So, if you do 10 million you essentially have 90 is that? Right? No, 900,000

Jason: Yeah, you make a million, yeah 900 million.

Justin: I mean, at scale, I guess that’s okay. But even then you’re doing all that work to build a ten million a year business, and you’re gonna put nine like, I want more.

Jason: Yeah, that’s what I’m like dude. I was like, like, Oh, you’re, you’re doing, like, why are you still putting pressure in our team members? And why are you trying to grow and skill more like you’re doing, and you’re you’re netting, you’re making a million dollars a year? And I’m like, Dude, you have no idea the the like, one bad thing happens, and you’re done, (Done). You’re done.

Justin: Yeah, and you better be saving those $900,000 paychecks because you’re coming out of pocket to go fix this thing. (Right). If you want to stay in business or you go out of business.

Jason: That’s assuming you don’t invest back into your business to grow it, (That’s right). So, if you’re living off a half a mill, like I am, and I put the other half into marketing (Totally) just because I’m like, dude, I’m like, I got two billboards, like, just, yeah, doing all kinds of stuff, right? Like, I generated 6,000 leads last year. (Good for you, bro). And it’s like, but people, small business owners, we do not believe in marketing, advertising. We don’t want to get on Instagram or Facebook because it’s dumb, or it doesn’t work, or there’s not a an immediate, direct ROI that’s, you know, traceable or trackable. And I’m like, dude, omnipresence, man, (Yeah), be everywhere.

Justin: Everywhere you need to be investing your business, right? All the time. That never stops. And you know, business owners just want to rip all that. They want to ATM their business. They want to rip all the money out of it. And when the going gets rough. Now, what right?

Jason: Blue collar guys? You have an email list of 2, 3, 5, 10,000 people. You’ve never sent an email in your life. (Yep). Like worked with my uncle for a decade. He’s actually closed his doors this year. So, he’s pushing probably 35 almost 40 years of roofing in Phoenix has never sent an email his life.

Justin: I hope you’re getting, like, some buying his book of business or something. I don’t know what you can do.

Jason: I’ve entertained it, but I think the tainted part of it is just not worth it (Fair). But going into acquisitions, I was talking to you about, like, okay, cool. You get to 25 million, then what? The reason why I do 25 million? Because that 10% profit, it’s two and a half mil. I can now self fund my acquisitions of these little guys, that’s right, and I can scoop up these two or $3 million companies. I if I can get within 24 months and get 10 of them at two $3 million a piece, I spent from 25 million to 50 million like that. (Yeah).  And with in the revenue, because all the marketing is there, and all you’re doing is plugging and playing your playing your systems, (Yeah), and it’s like, you oh, 24 months, you can double your business and not from 1 million to 2 million, from 25 to 50.

Justin: Scaling is easier when you buy the business versus trying to do it yourself. I’m a huge advocate of what you’re doing right now, and I hope everyone rewinds what he just said, because you know what you’re saying. I know what you’re saying, but the common business owners like, how do I get a million dollars going and growing and building a business, literally bootstrapping it and hiring internally? There’s a place for that. I’m not going to say it’s wrong, but if you want to get to the front of line faster, get your numbers to a place like you’re talking about. So you can just go acquire others, and you speed up this ability to get to that front end line.

Jason: Well and the other thing we talked about before, too, with relationships, is the opportunity. If you’re in coach, fly southwest, there ain’t no first class. So guess what? There’s zero opportunity. Now you can talk somebody left to the right, but that first class, the divider, right? The same goes for being able to acquire business. If you don’t have the cash ready to rock and roll and there’s a deal going (Right), boomers are going to business like crazy, and two out of 10 of them own a small business. Everyone was like nine or 10,000 boomers retired daily, and 10 to 20% of them own a blue collar small business, and that’s worth really nothing, (Yeah), because they are the business. But they have some sort of reach, they have some sort of email list, phone number, right? Something that you can literally just pop, in your opinion, and then just run with it, and you can get that for pennies on the dollar. (Yeah). So, they’re doing two, $3 million in revenue. Cool, not a problem. Take it from three to 10, literally, 12 months, just by plugging and playing. Do that with 2,3,4, or 5 of those, you literally created an entire separate (Amen), giant.

Justin: And it doesn’t even have to be big paydays. Pay mince. What I’m trying to say is you don’t need to cut a massive check to go buy a business. (No). I mean, we have friends that go do this shit without putting a dollar into the business, and they acquire the business (Yeah), right? And so, I want people to also understand what you’re saying is, it doesn’t necessarily you have to be you’re gonna go cut a million dollar check to buy a business. There can be enough value in the transaction that that business owner says it’s better to be bought out by Jason than not, because everything that he’s bringing to the business now, in some cases, they’re gonna say, just cut me the check and I’m out. Whatever. Fine. Make their decision.

Jason: Installments. A lot of those guys don’t want a fat check up front taxes and other reasons. Be like, Hey, no problem. Be like, Hey. Over the next five years, stay on for a year. 24 months help me transition. Some people don’t. You don’t need anything. Someone we might need 12 or 24 months. And so, they’re helping you there. But it like okay problem back. Hey, what are you? What you’re getting? Oh, is you’re netting 100 How about I pay you 150 for the next two years? Like you’re paying $150,000 that’s more in my entire life, (Right) It’s like, yeah, no problem. That’ll go towards your payout of a million, (But it’s folded under state 48). Yes, but, and I carry the note and we roll, (Yeah), right. And so, you just keep doing that, and they’re happy as a claim, they’re never and guess what you can go on your two week fishing trip to Montana, and guess what you can go to Rocky Point with your…

Justin: Witch if you’re making 150 grand a year, you probably shouldn’t be doing that, but

Jason: Right. But, I mean, you can go, you can literally be retired and you’re still getting a check for and be like, Yeah, okay, you check for $10,000 month, every month for the next, you know, 24, 36, 48 months, whatever it is. And share the note there. You can get very creative. One of our other core values is creativity follows commitment. So the commitments there for you and whoever you’re acquiring, and you can bring both of those in, that is where the money is made, the Chili’s made. Because when you’re both committed, the creativity to make the deal happen, you know, I mean, you deal with this on a daily basis, (Real estate). Yeah, it’s like, there’s no, there’s no commitment from you. Deal will never happen because of creativity in order to make that deal happen, unless it’s a simple A plus B equals C, most of them aren’t the good ones aren’t (Yeah), right? The good those are already taken up, right?

Justin: So, you obviously are really passionate about this, and I know you. How long have you? Have you had your coaching program? (Two years) Love that is this the kind of thing that that the members of your program can be learning about building businesses, selling businesses, creativity, the core values, that kind of stuff?

Jason: I forgot who, I can’t quote who it was, but they said the number one reason for you to own or start a blue collar business, a small business. No, not the number one, but you have to have an exit. Nobody has an exit. That’s why my dad, flooring, for 40 years, still not retired. What he literally doesn’t, doesn’t know what his exit was, other than, like, yeah, maybe in a year half I’m gonna hang it up. And I’m like, the heck does that mean you’re gonna hang it up for 40 years? Like, where’s your carrot, man? Yeah, it’s like, the rainbow, but, like, it doesn’t end. It’s like, where’s it? Where’s the pot of gold at the end? No, no, it’s just, it’s just a gorgeous rainbow that just keeps going, you know, around the Sun every 365 days. Like, what the heck like? No, man, there’s a pot of gold and there’s a freaking leprechaun the little redhead guy, where do Where is he? And as blue collar business owners, we don’t see that because we were programmed and framed, in my opinion, that it doesn’t exist in the blue collar space.

Justin: Well, I just don’t think anyone’s educated on it. That’s it, that no one talked about it. Now, social media is so big. You have Cody Sanchez’s, Roland Frasier and so many others that can talk to this, right? Dawson talked all about this (Totally) stuff. So now it’s people are aware, like there can be a blue collar, like your dad could be selling off to a major floor or whatever. But you know, the again, define blue collar for me, because what I want to talk to is the mindset of it, what would be defined as a blue collar, like, who are your clients in your coaching program?

Jason: So blue collar? So service traits, HVAC, plumbing, solar roofing. There’s a detach and reset for solar panel guy that I that I coach windows and doors, not. I mean, we’re in Phoenix, so there’s no sighting in gutters and in Phoenix. But, like, normally, it’s a three combo, right? Like here but yeah, any, too the carpet cleaning, pest control.

Justin: That’s a great TAM. And if you don’t know a tam “Total Available Market”, (Total what?). Available market? (Yeah). Right or total acquired market, like essentially being how many, how big your audience? Great audience, that’s a big ass audience, that you can go out there and help these individual.

Jason: And it’s never going to go away. Bots are never going to replace them. Like it’s in and it’s the demand is always going to be there. You’re like, COVID happens. Guess what? Dude, I had record setting year and during COVID. Why? Because I’m essential Man.

Justin: A 100% you. I mean, everyone needs a roof, right? The interesting thing, I was just asked, what I believe in these? What do they call these houses that are being done by machines? I’m blanking on what a… 3D housing. What a wild trip that crap is, right? Contractors are like, oh, people always need places to live, so we’re just gonna keep building. Did you have fucking machines literally framing an entire house by cement, essentially, (Right) Now, you still need HVAC, you still need a roof, you still need the things that this…

Jason: I actually saw a not a robot, but a machine installing shingles on, I haven’t seen on a roof, but just getting hit by ads and stuff like that on social media. And I’m like, cool, but somebody has to put it up there, type it in, dial it in, get the shingles there, do all that stuff. It’s like, they’re not for safety. There’s, there’s still business behind the machine, but like, tearing it all off and putting into the dumpster and, like, I’m like, say, what you say, what you want? A track, roofing, plumbing, there’s no electrical.

Justin: Dude. I mean, listen, 100 years from now maybe.

Jason: Dead by then. Yeah, I’ll let my kids deal with that crap later. No. Like, well, that’s like, real estate. Like, oh, you’re gonna get replaced. I’m like, the whole, you know, scary, what it was two weeks ago, or whatever it was, wasn’t the NRA. What’s the real estate,

Justin: Oh the realtor, the lawsuit that was settled for, however, hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jason: Yeah, they’re freaking out. They’re like, you guys got the four figure commissions, and this like I dude, it’s, I’m sorry, when has real estate changed in the past 100 years?

Justin: Yeah, by the way. (No, not even in real estate). This didn’t change it. It just changed one little section of it, which didn’t change anything. So, it doesn’t so smart list. So, let’s talk about your podcast, what you’re doing, and make an impact. You and I are both big on adding value. This is why this podcast is this totally your Sexy Business status podcast.

Jason: This guy right here. This one was sexy. That was roof status, (All right). So that is, I basically said, Cool. It kept the colors, (Yeah), change the look. Just put, I know I did was put six hashtag, sexy, business status. Why the status of the roof is sexy? It came from a lady in Sun Lakes, because you have a place, you’re gonna get a place or whatever, in Scottsdale one day, right? So just south of that 30 minutes a place called Sun Lakes, (Okay). 55 plus community, probably 5,000, 10,000 homes in there. And I was doing a roof for a lady, and she had a concrete tile roof, and it was old and outdated in the ugly terracotta, whatever. And she went back with the asphalt, completely different color, yeah. And toward all put it back on. And she’s like, 85 years old. She’s like, months away from calling it quits, and she comes out little, and she’s like, oh my gosh, that is a sexy roof. And I’m like, what did you just say? (Right). And like, also, you know, when you hear something, you’re like, Oh, that’s it… bar, as we call it, right? My guys, a bar like, that was a bar. That was a bar. Went to the 4, 5, 7, years ago. (Yeah). And but it’s an idea. And then an idea with action and implementation becomes a product. (There you go). And that’s what it and that’s so that became Sexy Roof Status. I’m like, dude, what’s the difference between that? It’s like, take out roof, put in business. Why? Once again, the status of the your business is sexy. 95% of businesses are not sexy. They’re garbage, they’re crap, they’re not well ran. They don’t take care of their team members. And it’s very, very frustrating. And I have PTSD from it to be honest. That’s why it’s a huge trigger. You can see I’m getting all fired up, yeah, because I worked for my uncle for a decade, and he freaking sucked. (Yeah). He knows there’s no, there’s no show him the clip. I don’t fucking care.

Justin: Yeah, so what is, what are they gonna hear on your podcast?

Jason: A

lot of this stuff. (Yeah). A lot of, I think it ranged from, it can range from anything. So I bring on guests. (Yeah), right. So, everyone’s got come or hop on. But what we, what I do is I give you a marketing tip, right? We call them power partners. (Okay). So, like, Okay, well, relationships. Well, how do those relationships will cross marketing. Well, what’s cross marketing? Cross marketing? Well, I’m a roofer, and there’s electrician that’s in the house as a roof. So, it’s bee buddies with electrician. So now if, but when they see a roofing need, or the HCI guy gets up to service the roof, up on top of the roof, and he sees there’s no granules on the shingles. And they’re like, instead of saying, suckers, who’s gonna go to crap, but my the HVAC good? No, no. Hey, by the way, I have a buddy of mine from go, right. And so the cross marketing. So, we teach marketing, we teach sales. I’ll bring in my sales manager named Carlos. Call him CB3, because I have 3 Carlos. So, we call him CB3, although he’s 6’7 not like little Chris Paul, 6’1 Chris Paul. But, oh, going over sales, we’ll, we’ll role play, live with them, (Yeah). Like, hey, here’s an objection. Like, oh, my wife’s my wife’s out of town, or I didn’t talk to my wife. And then we just, we role play and do and do objections. A lot of marketing getting attention. I’m huge on truck wraps. I have 13 trucks that are wrapped. (Okay). I have the best truck wraps in the State of Arizona.

Justin: Wow, that’s a great marketing like, there’s you obviously are going after acquisition, and that is a great investment in your business, right? Is to go acquire more clients, because if you focus on what you do, which is the people and the value, your business will grow, and I think that’s what they need to be. Ready to hear from you is a lot more of that. Because if you focus on what Jason Payne focuses on, you can go from a zero company to a $3 million company to a 13 and then turn that into a 25.

Jason: So, I wrote a book, (all right), called “Eight Phases to Eight Figures”.

Justin: Oh, I like that title

Jason: And that’s, that’s sort of what we do. Like how to build an eight

Justin: Where can you get that book?

Jason: Amazon.

Justin: “Eight Phases to Eight Figures”.

Amazon, eight phases to eight figures. Jason, paying the author, make sure you cop that for sure.

Jason: Yeah, because the average business owner, small business owner, doesn’t do more than $1.8 million in revenue, and 96% don’t do more than 3.4 some over basically 3 million. So your little that, we call it the stuck. (Yeah). And I heard I’m stuck. Well, help me. Hey, I’m stuck. Will you help me? Hey, I’m stuck. Will you consult me? And I’m like, here’s where it’s stuck. Like, how do I unstuck you? (Yeah). And the magic number is anywhere from a half a million, but they get stuck between that two to three, because that’s a break point, (Yeah). My buddy Brandon talks about right? And after three like they have, they have to complete like a snake. So, I love snakes that to completely shed their skin and rebuild themselves and reinvent themselves, everything from leads to marketing to team members to you can’t just do it by you can’t just wing it and do it by yourself. You can’t go to the leads and swing the hammer. You can to about two or three plumbing, HVAC, you name it. To about two or 3 million, you can, like, fake it till you make it. You can fake it till then. And that’s why most boomers, based off my studying my research, most boomers never got over $3 million because they didn’t create a business. There’s just a high paid employee for 30 or 40 years.

Justin: That is very true, and that is I still think for most, even if you’re not a boomer, not even how you define a boomer. I think most people just create a high paying job for themselves. (Yes). I think most audience members that are listening to this or watching this on YouTube still likely have a high paying job for themselves and don’t truly have an exit.

Jason: And most of the, in my personal opinion, I believe that it’s because they do not know how to manage people.

Justin: I don’t think you’re wrong. I think you know, leadership is a different school skill set than management (Totally). And I think people get ingrained in management, managing KPIs and managing the sales numbers and managing client (Spreadsheets that doesn’t have any does have a heartbeat). That is not the same as leadership. And people don’t practice flex or work out their leadership muscle, and it’s a muscle just like anything else. And this brings me to the next joining masterminds paying for coaching. If you don’t know or don’t follow Jason, make sure follow Jason at Jason the roofer. Because you can help small business owners change their mindset, change their tactics, change your leadership style, right? Because this is a big issue, in my opinion, in our spot is the leadership role (Totally) that some people are inherently a great leader. People just follow them, right? You know, those people (Totally), you’re likely one. I’m one, they will just follow us, because we are that. But even then, just like LeBron says, or even Kobe, right? You can innately have the skill, but if you aren’t practicing, you’re never going to be the great you’re never going to be the goat. You’re never going to be the top half of 1% heck the 1% top half of 1% because you’re not harnessing the muscle that needs to be flexed. So, I couldn’t agree more with that whole point.

Jason: That’s what it comes down to. Is like the leadership of people. If you can learn how to work with people and manage people game over, (That’s it). Because you can hire other like people to run your KPIs and your management and your back end stuff, but like you as the business owner, you need to be in charge of your people. They need to know that you care. They need to know that you value them. What’s in it for them. We don’t sell as small business guys. We don’t sell them on the vision. We tell them we want to do this, but that’s my vision of their vision, yep. And so call them PPFS, right? Personal, professional, financial goals, like, what makes you tick? (Yeah) A Lambo. I saw Lambo is probably yours, Lambo or whatever, downstairs. And I’m like, I don’t get off for that. (Sure). It’s like, oh Lambo like, oh my gosh, a Lamborghini. Like, though you have two shits about I drive a big truck. (Yeah), right. Why? Because I can jump curbs. You can’t jump curbs on Lambo, (No doubt) I suck at (Even if you try it won’t work). Yeah. You’ll Be very disappointed. (Yeah). No. But, like, some people like, I want a big, $8 million house. Like, dude, I don’t freaking care about house. But I want “X“ (Yeah). Like you need to figure out what makes your team members (100%), and you won’t know that unless you ask them and say, Cool, let’s help you accomplish that. Do these things, and I’ll help you accomplish that. In return, you’re gonna Zig Ziglar quote, right? (Yeah) Help is, oh gosh, I’m gonna butcher it. If you help other people in life get what they want, you’ll get what you want. (That’s right) But yeah, and that’s what it comes down to. So, like, that’s, that’s bit, one of my biggest things is grow. You said, hey, you know, how do you grow a 10 million roofing company? Dude, you get people what they want, get people and you’ll go get people, find what they want. Show them how to get it. Show them on paper now, like we’re gonna give you all these things to do. The verbal stuff is the biggest way to go out of business on paper. Here’s I’m gonna show you how to be successful, how to make money, how to be a better dad. Here’s how to be a better spouse. Because if you’re if you cheat, just like Andy Elliot says, right? My boy, Andy, you cheat on your spouse, you’re gone, (Yeah) in two seconds, not even trying. I don’t care what position you’re in, (Right). You cheat on your spouse because you’ll cheat on me way easier than cheating on your spouse and that and like, that’s a true, true thing. So the way I see it in building your people up is you’re like, so physically, right? Like somebody has a little pooch. I’m like, dude, cool not a problem. What are we gonna do to get rid of that? But that bugs me. You make me look bad getting on a roof or knocking on a door because you have that. That is me. I am your I’m your cute little belly. Get it. Get rid of it. (Yeah). Right? Oh, you take your shirt off and your wife’s like, oh my gosh, I love the belly. No, heck nobody does that, man. (Yeah), Right? So, are you being a good dad or being intentional about being a dad? Or you that douche bag guy that works 80 hours a week and has all the nice crap, but you’re like, you’re not being intentional with your kids, (Right). So, like, I want, I want you to be a dad, a great dad, not a good dad. I want to be a great dad. I want to be a spouse. I want you to show me on your calendar where date night is every single week, right? Buddy. Sean Waylon, you know Sean, obviously, right? Like, he has date night every single Wednesday, religiously out of town, in town, kids, boom, bye. Me and Sax, we’re going, we’re rolling right, right. And when you can do those two things, and then obviously the financial part, like, help them get their goals their first buy a house, get a Lambo, get a second home, whatever that looks like. Get out of debt, (Yep), right? Maybe get the first $1,000 in the bank account, right? We’re starting small. When you can hone in on your team and their goals. In that way, you will have unrecruitable employees.

Justin: That is a hell of a way to end this episode. I appreciate you, bro.

Jason: Absolutely.

Justin: Guys. Make sure you are watching his podcast, listening to his podcast, follow him on Instagram. Jason the Roofer, this is a great episode, bro.

Jason: Appreciate bro.

Justin: Appreciate coming out.

Jason: Absolutely.

Justin: All right, y’all that is it. Make sure you were liking this. Make sure you’re sharing this. And this is my man, Jason Payne. Appreciate you. Later.

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