How to Become a Passivepreneur feat. Brian Page

How to Become a Passivepreneur feat. Brian Page

And it’s not about not working hard. That’s not what I’m saying you will you will have to work hard at some of these things. But the difference is that you’re working hard to build the machine not working hard to earn the income. So it’s a big difference between earned income and passive income.

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Justin: What is up everybody what is up? Welcome back to the science of flipping podcast. I’m your host, Justin Colby. And on this episode, I have a super, super special guest, a good friend of mine, someone who I believe is a pioneer in our industry, Mr. Brian pages here. But before I get to Mr. Brian page, our top sponsor Minute Pages has to make sure you have a website for your real estate investing business is priced better than anyone else. It has more utility than anyone else. If you’re a real estate investor and you need credibility, influence and authority in the space of your city and real estate investing for your brand. Go to minute $97 a month for a professional website. All right, we are here with the man what is up Brian page what’s happening, brother?
Brian: Justin, what’s going on, man? Good to be here.
Justin: Dude, I’m fired up. I just I had one of these new little canned coffees add 140 milligrams of caffeine. So I’m ready for this episode, bro.
Brian: I use sugar that keeps me pumped up. I got my Jolly Ranchers here on the basket.
Justin: I love that. Well, dude, there’s a lot to say. I think most of my audience probably knows you as the Airbnb or b&b formula guy, which I think you’ve done a terrific job with that brand and the systems and tools and in videos and training and all that. But I am in alignment with you. I wanted to have you on here talking more about your book and don’t start a side hustle and the philosophy behind all that I think it’s very timely. I think you’re the voice to be able to have that. And so let’s kind of jump into this book that you’re launching first. Where does everyone find it? How do they go get it? Let’s start there. And then we’ll jump in.
Brian: Okay, well, I’m gonna hold that because I got I got something I want to tell everybody about.
Justin: Yeah. All right.
Brian: And then too, so I’ll tell you where to get it here in a minute. But yeah, the book is, you know, it’s, it’s kind of contrarian to what everybody’s telling you to do right now. You know, you you listen to people like Gary Vee, and he says, you know, I’m, I’m working while you’re sleeping, you gotta hustle harder, you know, you’re not you’re not successful, because you’re not working hard enough. And, you know, and we kind of wear it like a badge of honor as entrepreneurs like I work harder than anyone else. But I think there’s a different way. And it’s, it’s not so much about hustle in my opinion. It’s about flow. It’s about cash flow. And there’s a very big difference between cash flow, and a side hustle. And so what I want to do is I want to teach people how to start creating sources of income that are not dependent on them. Big, big distinction. And I think that there’s a new movement here, I’m gonna just coined the movement as a passivepreneur movement. I want people to start thinking about becoming a passivepreneur over becoming an entrepreneur. So we’ve talked about that as well.
Justin: I love that dude. You should you should have an event. I’d love to speak at that event. Passivepreneur , man, because
Brian: Oh, we’re working on it. It’s already it’s already happening. Yeah.
Justin: All right, I claim I throw my hat in the ring. I want to be
Brian: Alright, you’re in the ring.
Justin: I’m fully on, I’m on your page. But that’s why I wanted you on and excited that you were able to find time, you’re very busy. But listen, I just started my own fund. Not I mean, a lot of different reasons. But one of them is the passivepreneur, as an owner of a fund, as it’s up. And as it is running the first year. It’s not optimal. But beyond that, it’s really incredible. Because quite literally doesn’t take any management of myself, right? That is a huge, and we’re not just talking about single family rentals, we’re talking about like, a $12 million fund. So I’m very much in alignment with you, right, because that is almost like an annuity. Right?

Brian: That is the definition. That is a definition of what I what I teach in this book, which is what I call passive income vehicles. So that what I identify as a passive income vehicle is something that yes, it may take your time to set up like you just explain, but over time, it has the potential to make exponential income, but yet your time involvement decreases exponentially. So the amount of money that you make per hour invested goes just crazy. So in other words, you want to look for things that are scalable for income, and at the same time opposite scalable for time involvement. So a lot of people will get involved in all kinds of businesses become entrepreneurs and find things that are very lucrative. I’ve done a lot of these things in my life. And they make a lot of money. But then they work 80 hours a week to avoid working the 40 hours a week on the job. And that’s where a lot we find a lot of entrepreneurs are stuck, right? And they look down on the nine to five or do and they’re like, Well, I’m least I’m my own boss. But they don’t talk about the fact we don’t talk about the fact that the average entrepreneur in America right now makes 72,000 a year. So it’s only slightly better than the nine to five. That’s what the average entrepreneur makes. And that doesn’t even account for all the failed businesses. You know, we know that most businesses fail in the first five years so so entrepreneurs are not getting rich by and large, but they are working their asses off. And so that’s why I want to help.

Justin: Yeah, dude, I think that’s that’s quite great, right? I mean, obviously I’m very much in the real estate space. So are you You know, you’re flipping you’re doing Airbnb you’re arbitrage you have a whole thing going I’m myself wholesaling, flipping buying rentals ironically I don’t even have a short term rental slash even don’t even have the arbitrage model that you teach. So maybe, maybe we need to discuss about
Brian: Yeah, well I’d be real estate’s it. I mean, real estate’s the OG I wrote I wrote about this in my presentation I did recently real estate is the OG of passive income vehicles. It is I mean, real estate is one of the best vehicles period, it still is to this day. And you know, the thing about real estate is you either have to have money, or credit, generally to buy property and money or credit and that’s fine. Owning assets is amazing. But unlike what Kiyosaki says you don’t have to own assets, you know, they talk to.
Justin: You can control them.
Brian: You can control assets, and you can create assets from scratch, we live in a greater economy now. And we live in a sharing economy. So you can create assets and control assets to generate income, passive income without owning anything, which is phenomenal. And that’s something that I want to I want to delve into too.
Justin: Yeah, I think it’s the opposite of how I mean, I’m 41 How old are you?
Brian: 47.
Justin: So I think our parents were like the last generation of like, you must own a home, you must have this right, like that old school, white picket fence on your home, fast your life. I think our generation was probably one of the first of like the entrepreneur, like, let’s go, right, but I think it has changed even during our adulthood, right, to your point, where now it’s not even about owning, you can create we’re in a creating space now. Right? That’s kind of the new form. Yeah,
Brian: I mean, you should own assets, I believe you should, once you start making money, the best place to park it is in real assets. I believe real estate is one of the best places to park your money, but long term for wealth, but you know, you’ve got people making millions, 10s of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars with stuff that they created from scratch, I mean, you can start a you can, you can create an asset online for a few $100 $1,000, digital courses, digital ebooks, memberships, all these different things that you can create for almost nothing, and generate significant cash flow that is automated, that is overtime takes none of your time to do and I have 23 different sources of passive income currently,
and the most wanting most of them right now is so the audience can even just understand what you’re thinking. Okay, so
let me give you one that was one of my one of my favorites, I have a top 10 list. Actually, one of my favorites is affiliate marketing. So affiliate marketing is the idea that you sell someone else’s product, you didn’t create the product, you don’t create anything, you just have the permission to control eyeballs control traffic to that offer, and you make a commission. So if you have an email list, you send your list, some kind of like, hey, I want to teach you about flipping, my friend Justin wants to teach about flipping, they go there, they buy your course I get a fee, every time that happens or commission every time that happens. So it’s truly hands off, other than just pressing the button, or somebody in my team pressing the button to send the emails. And you can do that doesn’t have to be through email, you can do that through influence on your social media you can do with many different channels. But again, you’re controlling your controller there, you’re not actually creating anything or owning and buying anything.

Justin: Well, I think the makes that all work for your point is social media. Because one of the first questions I would have as a marketer, and you yourself are like, well, how are you building your buyers list? How are you building an email list? Well, the answer these days to me and maybe you have a different answer is social media all day. It’s TikTok is IG. It’s YouTube shorts. It’s that right? When you agree.
Brian: Yeah, I mean, well, you know, some of these, some of these things are better, depending on what phase you’re at in your business, you know, if you don’t have an audience, that that might not be the best model for you. But some of these things don’t require any audience at all. I mean, you don’t have to be a social media person, I, I started out with a very basic course that taught people what I was doing in real estate, which was Airbnb at the time. And that course, once I created it, I updated every six months or so. But once I created it, and launched it, that was, gosh, five years ago, and it’s done 10s of millions of dollars. And it’s been hands off. I mean, it still sells to this day without any involvement from me. And the content that’s going in the course now is from other people that are creating content for me, my students and my coaches. So that’s an example of creating an asset one time that produces income over and over and over and over again for years. And that’s happened across many different things. And that’s again, that’s in the crater economy. And what does it cost to create a course not much, you get a lot of software, you get a maybe a designer or a funnel builder or something like that, and you build something and now you have something that can generate income.

Justin: Yeah, and I think when most people even hear the name, and it was something I did myself, right, I heard the name of your book, don’t start a side hustle.
Brian: Yeah.
Justin: And you immediately say, okay, he wants you to become an entrepreneur. That’s what Brian is gonna say is don’t just do this part time on the side over here, just go all in right. But really, you’re you’re almost going against that right saying you’re gonna have the hours a week, which is total facts, by the way as an entrepreneur myself, especially on the right buffets I’ve done this 15 years you’ve been in for quite some time. The ramp up phase is really where you’re just grinding it out, right? And unless you have the ability to scale and you’re a true leader, which most to your point aren’t right, then you’re stuck in that is that much if any better than just having a job? I would, I would argue no, because you’re

Brian: No, I mean, you know, people, people forget that, you know, it’s like, the question seems to be in everybody’s mind, do I work for someone else? Or do I work for myself? And I would ask the question, why work? Why work? If you don’t have to? Have your money come from your own hands and your own effort? Like, over time? Why would you choose anything else? Because in my, in my world, the definition of wealth is not just money, or dollar amount, or net worth or cashflow amount, it’s also being very rich on time. And most entrepreneurs are time bankrupt, they have no time, they have no energy, they a lot of them have no health because they spend all of themselves on their business to keep it going. And the true definition or the true test of whether or not you’re an entrepreneur or a passive printer, is if you stop doing the thing, does the money continue to come in? If you stop doing whatever it is, does the money continue to flow in and as Ron Legrand you know, Ron Legrand is one of the real estate, his favorite saying is, the less I do, the more I make. So you know, if you can do less and make more, you’re by definition, a passive printer. And that that’s a big, big difference between, you know, being the Gary Vee type that’s like, I’m gonna work my ass off. Now, if you love what you do, great, go do that. But a lot of people want to do something else. They’re trying to do their entrepreneurship to go get a bunch of money to go live some kind of life or have some kind of other thing they want to do. And they’re miserable, because they’re just never gonna arrive at that destination, you know, and I’m just like, hey, you can arrive you just doing it the wrong way. It doesn’t. It’s either your assets or your assets, I’d rather just be my assets working hard, not me.

Justin: There’s no doubt and the thing that I think is so true when this when talking about this whole thing is like you only have one round and this planet, right? You got one trial, this whole thing.
Brian: So when it’s over either you don’t know when this thing is
Justin: Never leave. We literally that just gave me shivers because we literally just had this discussion of like, yeah, you’re 41 you have so much life. Dude, you don’t know the drunk driver, you might come across, you know, tomorrow or whatever, like you just it so you might as well live it the way you want to live it and there’s no next Brian Page. There’s no next Justin Colby, there’s no Next, you need to create this for yourself. And what I believe Brian, you’re saying right now is this is the alternative to the historically two sides of what you could be you can be the entrepreneur, you can be the employee. And what you’re offering is Hey, dude, there’s actually a third lane here. And you can go into passivepreneur. By the way, all you guys come see me on Brian’s stage, I’ll be speaking. But I think it’s really just brilliant. Because because, again, it gives the people options. There’s no one size fits, all right? One or the other.
Brian: Totally. And some people might think, okay, Brian’s talking about like, hashtag van life or being couchsurfing, or you know, being a bum. I mean, that is one lifestyle, you could certainly do that. But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about truly having your cake and eating it too. I’m talking about having an incredible lifestyle, incredible wealth and income, and also having tremendous amount of time to go do what you want to do. And the number one test that I tell people to ask themselves if they’re, you know, where they’re at in their own personal work, is I call it the Powerball question. If tomorrow you woke up and you’d won the Powerball. I don’t know what it is today, I don’t play the lottery a lot more than it used to reach $300 million. billion, I don’t know, it’s absurd. You won $300 million tomorrow? Would you go into work? And I don’t mean, just if you work for someone else would you go? Would you just say to your business, okay, I’m done with that? Or, you know, would anything change tomorrow? And if the answer is yes, then you’re probably not doing the thing that you really most want to do. And so I’ve got friends that, you know, they love golf, I don’t play golf, but they love golf, they would play golf every day, but they’re not good enough to be pro. So the idea that you have to take your passion, make it pay is ridiculous. Not Not every passion has to pay. In fact, if you made it pay, you might actually hate golf at that point, because you’re not doing it anymore for the enjoyment of it. So my my argument would be don’t try to make your passions pay. Instead, find a source of income, isn’t you and then go pursue your passions and go do what you want to do in life because you have the means to do it. And I think that’s a different mentality than like, then then we’re stuck in as entrepreneurs.

Justin: I agree. 100%. I think that your perspective of like, if you got your 300 million, what are you doing every day? And if you’re not currently doing that, yeah, then you’re lost right now. And you need to come back, right, you need to figure out, how do I create that? And that’s, yeah, you know, what I was, I guess the question I would pose to you and what I know of my years of experiences, is this something that people can financially create a high level of income fast, or do they need to kind of get in there, stick with it and push forward? What is this passivepreneur?
Brian: Yeah, that’s a good question. I’ve never I’ve never been asked that. Okay, so fast, it’s all relative, right? Because you know, most people think 30 to 40 years in retirement plan is, is fast, you know, or it’s good enough, I would say it’s not the 30 to 40 year plan, it’s more of a three to four year plan. But in order to do something like that fast, which is kind of beyond most people’s belief systems is that you have to find the right vehicle. So so the the thing that I always talked about, I talked about this in the book as well, is that if you’re trying to go from here from New York to LA, you know, walking, it’s gonna take, you know, I don’t know how many months or weeks to do that, if you get on a bike, you could probably do it. And I think the record is a couple of weeks, to driving it as 40 hours. And then there’s, there’s people that have ran across America, but then you then there’s better vehicles where you can get in a plane, for example, now you’re using leverage, because you’re not the one actually driving a pilot who’s driving, you can sit back and chill and you got, you got leverage now and you’re going 500 miles an hour. But there’s even faster ways to get there than that, you know, we’re gonna soon have suborbital flight, which means you can go from New York to LA in 30 minutes, 45 minutes. You know, that’s happening right now. I mean, Elon, and all these people are working on this kind of stuff. So there’s always a faster vehicle. The problem is the guy that gets into a vehicle, or the girl that gets in the vehicle and thinks I’m gonna be rich in the next three years, but there’s no possible possibility of that happening, or they get in the vehicle that’s going to take 40 years, and they’re happy with that. They don’t even question that. They’re just like, oh, that’s fine. I’ll retire in 40 years, but they their whole life is spent in the wrong vehicle, and it will never get them to where they want to go, because it’s just the wrong vehicle. It’s not that they’re doing something wrong. So you got to make sure you’re in the right vehicle. And that’s why I talk about a lot in the book. So for example, if you wanted to go quick, with very little money, for example, you wouldn’t go buy assets, you wouldn’t go buy companies and buy real estate, because that takes a lot of money or credit generally to do, you could become a creator, for example, I’ll just give you some of the examples. You can do monetize content, you can license music, and photos, you can create digital courses, digital books, I wrote this book, this is not even a real book. I mean, it is but I wrote these two books, I’ve done over a million dollars in sales on these little these little books right here. You can do it. You can do memberships. You can do affiliate marketing, none of these things take a lot of money. And you see people doing this every day, day in and day out. It’s not so much about what’s Brian’s done. Who cares? You know, you hear about these events like Funnel Hacking live where Russell Brunson teaches about doing funnels, and you go there. And there’s hundreds of people going across the stage that are all making millions of dollars a year, at least a million million dollars in their funnel. And so you see it happening all over. And anybody can do this, just have to find the right tools and the right vehicle to do it. So. So that’s kind of the road that I take people down.

Justin: Yeah. So the one thing you were bringing up that I think I want to highlight just for my audience, because I preach on this is proper expectations. Yes. If you think it’s going to take 30 years, then this is going to be your fastest way. Because it won’t, right. If you think it’s going to take three months, then you’re going to quit again and you’re going to do something else, because it’s likely not going to take three months for you to create the type of income that you’re trying to achieve, right. I think in any vertical, real estate flipping, Airbnb arbitrage, wholesaling, rentals, like there’s just patients that’s involved in the right expectation. And if you have an improper expectation, then ultimately you’re doomed for failure, how I define failures by quitting, that’s the only way you fail is quit, right. That’s true. And so that has to be highlighted. Because whether you use the entrepreneur route, the employee route, or this third route that Brian is highlighting here, improper expectations will crush all three, right? Well, you will not want to do any of it. So make sure you have proper expectations. Because if you can take this third route that Brian’s highlighting, you’ll likely be a lot more fulfilled, because you’ll have a passion around it. And it’s not sucking all of your days and nights to try to build it up. But you need to have the right expectations, or you will stop that as well.

Brian: I think most people though, their expectations are too low, because they hear some of what I’m saying right now. And they might like that’s totally sounds like total BS because it’s outside their realm of what’s possible. So you have to be careful that if you have to really believe it before you see it. So there’s opportunities are everywhere. But you won’t see the opportunities that have the potential to do that quickly. If you don’t first believe that they’re possibly you have to say, well, either he’s totally full of it. And there’s no such thing as that. There’s no such thing as getting rich quick or making that kind of money quickly, then you’re just not going to see the opportunity. But if you get around a whole bunch of people that are doing exactly that. I mean, when first time I got around a bunch of people that were crushing it in real estate, I was like, Well, why am I not crushing it real?
Justin: That’s right.
Brian: First time I got around a bunch of marketers that were making gazillions of dollars online. I was like, why are they do it just changes everything in your wiring to just see people doing it and realize that it is real. And so So I want to first of all, take that whole limit limiting belief away from people that it can’t be done because it can be done and then put them in the right vehicle work can happen fairly quickly. And then it doesn’t happen overnight. That’s the other thing I talked about in the book exponential. The thing about exponential It looks like nothing’s happening for 80% of the time. So exponential is not where you go to work. And then on Friday, you get a paycheck, you go to work again and get another paycheck. It doesn’t work that way. As a mentor of mine once said, he said, Brian, are you willing to work two to three years? For $0? At the chance of making millions? I said, yeah, he’s 100%. You’re telling me that, but are you really because think about what’s gonna be like nine months in or 12 months, and you still made zero money. So and I’ve done that, and several other vehicles I’ve worked on where I didn’t make nothing for a year or two years, and then suddenly, boom, millions. And people say, Well, you’re an overnight success. I’m like, No, I was in the right vehicle. And I did not stop and I knew it was gonna be exponential eventually. So So that’s, that’s the key is also that patience. But two to three years sounds absurdly fast. But not when you realize that nothing happens for a long time, sometimes building a vehicle. I mean, ask anybody who has a podcast, anybody that has a social media, following anybody that has has create any kind of platform, anybody that’s known, you know, it takes time, it really does take time, but when it happens, then it’s just like, oh, you break through that wall. And suddenly, things start happening. So. So that’s one of the things I like teach people about as well.
Justin: Yeah, I think you had to another thing that I think is just profound, right, that everyone needs to be aware of what you’re saying is, the commitment needs to be at the same level of your desire for income. Because if they if they are off, then you’re gonna quit in that two years, or nine months or whatever, whatever your mentor was giving you, right? Like, I was given my first mentor straight out of UCLA, my very first mentor said, are you willing to live like no one other no one else is willing to live, so you can have what no one else has?
Brian: Yeah.
Justin: And just like you, hell, yeah, bro. I’m in. And then the work began. And I said, Oh, this isn’t exactly fun. But I also had the commitment level, so unwavering. 15 years later, here I am, right, and income and all the things that come along with that, but it is that hockey stick that you realize, first comes into work, you might even kind of go down and then it goes. Yeah, true. But you know, the highlight that I say CIA, right? Not the government agency, commitment, intention, and action. And if you are committed and have the right intention, and just keep taking the right action that Brian would advise you to be taking, or I would advise you to be taken and whatever the case, then just go and stick to CIA, and allow that to transition. Because inevitably, you will always make more money than you would as an employee, potentially more than you would as an entrepreneur without the work. But if you lack the commitment, that’s the trigger point right to your believe it before you see it idea is just so true. You just have to
Brian: Yeah, and it’s not about not working hard. That’s not what I’m saying you will, you will have to work hard at some of these things. But the difference is that you’re working hard to build the machine, not working hard to earn the income. So it’s a big difference between earned income and passive income. So some of these things, if you’re going to create an asset from scratch, it’s a lot harder than writing a check in buying a house you buy an asset like a house or an apartment building, the minute you buy it, hopefully there’s there’s cashflow. If you have a tenant in there, it’s not like that when you build assets from scratch, you have to build something or control something that isn’t yours to control other people’s products and assets and that kind of stuff. But then eventually, over time, it’s it works. And so there is effort, there is that kind of stuff involved. But it’s it’s something where you’re willing to invest a certain amount of time to create something that can earn over and over and over again. And if it doesn’t have the ability to do that, then don’t spend any of your time on it. If people used to say, Well, Brian, do you offer like one on one coaching? I’m like, No, people have offered me all kinds of I just don’t do it. I don’t sell my time it is it’s a principle. I just don’t sell my time. And so I’ve always been that way. You know, I’m very intense on that on that. But it’s it’s true, because I only want to build systems and look at ways of building systems that generate more income. And that because that frees me up because when I stopped doing that the machine keeps going, Yes, I might need to tinker on it. But I’m not involved in the creation of income anymore.
Justin: Yeah, I think you know, it would change the game for all of us, right? It’s even think about something like Uber, which is probably not on your I would guess it’s not on your list, or is it on your list?
Brian: Uber is the is it the ultimate side hustle, which is what they tell you not to do? Yeah, right. For example, what not to do,
Justin: Right? But again, there’s just so much again, when you and I were you’re 47 I’m 41 like even something as simple as that. Right?
Brian: I mean I Ubered I burned years ago when I had to make ends meet. I did it but the problem with Uber is when you stopped driving, you stopped.
Justin: Come in.
Brian: Yeah, that’s it
Justin: And so the thing that I was kind of going towards with Ubers there’s so much ingenuity nowadays. TikTok didn’t exist two years ago, right? Like, you can just create and it’s just up to you to do that in a vertical that you really enjoy. Right that can create that passively. To your first example you know, the affiliate space is just so great, but it’s changed from when you and I got into this Brian Right You and I got into Hey, Brian has a great offer. I’ll email my list. Yeah. Now it’s like, Hey, let me go on TikTok and talk about whatever it is, and have a link in my TikTok or in my Instagram on my story, hey, click the link, join me for a thing. And then I don’t even have to go create, I don’t have to create a list, I guess I should say, I don’t have to do that I don’t have to put work into doing that, quite literally, I just need to use social presence. I mean, just the Internet has now just allowed for so much creativity, that anyone who isn’t actually going out to enjoy their life and to live the life that they deserve to be living. I mean, I, they’re soft, right there.
Brian: I mean, there’s so many ways to do it, though, even if you don’t have an audience, because I could just sense it. Some people might be watching us and thinking, Well, I don’t, nobody knows me, I don’t have a list that I’m gonna show I don’t have whatever, I’ll give you an example. So referrals is one of the best sources of passive income referrals. So I do business with companies that pay me a commission on every client or customer that comes to them. But what they do is they do referrals, which means if I introduce that company to another company, let’s say to you and your company, I say Hey, Justin, need to talk to this guy, he offers something that’d be great for your people. Right? You I make that introduction happen. Now, let’s say you do millions of dollars in business with this guy, I get a percentage to be percent 2%, whatever of everything that ever happens from that introduction, how much time that take me. Nothing. I just connected my network and made money did appear out of nowhere. So you can do that if you have the influence to connect power with people together. You can make money that way through referrals. And it’s literally
Justin: That is probably in I don’t know where that lands on your list brother. But like
Brian: Oh, it’s it’s, it’s one of the best.
Justin: Yeah, it is there. Right? Like, that is such a
Brian: Right. I mean it’s truly effortless. And if you have a company that’s, you know, going going to continually track that forward, which a lot of companies do now, lifetime referrals. That’s the two of the most beautiful words that exist.
Justin: I totally agree. And again, listen, I don’t want to give away the whole book on this episode. I want people to go buy it I genuine
Brian: Trust me, there’s hundreds of these. So they will I can’t give it all away.
Justin: That’s all right. But I love that one. Just because that’s kind of my superhuman powers. I’m able to connect the right people. And I’m in the middle and almost like a wholesale deal. Like I get this. Like,
Brian: one deal. It’s a bunch of deals. Yeah, yeah,
Justin: that’s it. We’ll do it. Again. Where can people I know, I know, we started off and you wanted to wait to the end. But I want you to kind of let people understand because this is powerful stuff. If you’re sitting here like your mind starting to turn, trust me, when Brian told me about this, my mind did the exact same thing. So you’re in good company there. This is really legitimate, right? This isn’t some just thing. This is a lifestyle, right? It’s a lifestyle play. This is a creative play, this is a, you know, something to create the life you want, right? Not just live not just, you know, a human being but a human winning, right. That’s really what this is about. So Brian, why don’t you give all the details you need to give about where to go what to do. Brian: So you’re gonna, you guys are gonna love this. So I’m gonna, I’m going to give you something really incredible. And the only thing that I’m asking for you to do is to get one copy of this book. So if you go to I have a little 15 minute video where I explain more in depth the concepts of the book and how it works and how you can become a passivepreneur. And then at the end of that video, I’m going to ask you to buy a book, and you’re going to pay the same price that you pay on Amazon for the book, except that if you go to watchfreetraining and get the book there, I’m gonna give you some special things you can’t get on Amazon. So I’m gonna give you an audio book instant download on audiobook and this book’s not even out yet, okay? You get the instant audiobook for the first few chapters me narrating it, you’re gonna get a PDF download of the book, first few chapters as well, you’re gonna get a, you’re gonna get access to a passivepreneur training, where I actually go into in depth training with another passivepreneur, we talked about what we’re what we’re up to. And then on top of that, you’re gonna get access to my Facebook group, which is my passivepreneur Facebook group where you can meet other people that are doing things that I’ve never even thought of, they’re really incredible, and kind of be a part of a community of people that do this. So all those things are totally free for getting one hardcover copy of the book on Amazon. But if you go to You can watch this video where I explain exactly all the things we’re talking about here and how you can be a part of it and get started and hopefully find your own passive income vehicle the next 30 days.
Justin: Dude is funny to tell you listening with all my business experience, I’m already like, literally my mind is turning like Alright, what else can I just start to go so I can just keep getting these whether the little checks that we just talked about the bigger checks I like even more. Go to that website. Make sure you get a book. But here’s the thing and in Bryan I hope you respect this take action people like don’t don’t just get a book and put it on the bookshelf. Like what it doesn’t help Brian doesn’t help you. You’re just back to your normal life right like commitment, intention and action CIA and if this vibes with you. If you’re like me and your head is spinning, I highly suggest you go get that book.
Brian: Now I’ll tell you I mean I love books. You can see I’ve got nothing but books behind me here are some books my you know, I’ve always read more than the year before. I’ve tried to Read more and more and never read a single book in college that wasn’t required. But it seems like a lot of college I read the books that I wanted to read and in, it seems like the more I read, the more money I make. And I would say that the dollar for dollar, the best investment you can make of any investment would be in books, honestly, that’s what I believe so. So everything you want to learn is already been written down. And you just need to find somebody you vibe with and you understand, and then you start implementing what they teach. And this is everything that I know about creating passive income. So I think it’s going to be highly valuable, most people
Justin: will do that, I appreciate you, I appreciate you sharing some time sharing your wealth of knowledge. You’re very dynamic, right? There’s multiple, multiple levels of Brian Page and what you’ve created in the education space, and your book is phenomenal. So I appreciate you. Obviously everyone should be going and following Where do you want everyone to go follow you.
Justin: Boom, go to Make sure you get a piece of this incredible philosophy and hopefully you start taking action on it. So appreciate you, Brian, thank you very much for your time. This has been huge not just for my audience, but for me to grow. So appreciate you.
Brian: Appreciate you too. Thanks so much.

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