Case Study: Real Estate Investing Deal with AI
Justin: Okay, so why don’t we show them kind of what else you guys got and what you got in the work. I wanted to show him the Bot now. I know you’re really cool. So when you guys see Anthony going back and forth the way that he did that was him actually doing it. Now Rocketly actually has a bot that does all that communication on your behalf. Show off a little bit of that what you have going on in there.
Anthony: Yeah, definitely. So, this was a pretty good example of really just, you know, 90% like automated response that actually helped because if you can see my, you know, five or six phone call attempts here, I didn’t really have much luck getting a hold of this guy. And then finally he actually returned a call, but I missed it. And then this is kind of where the Bot picks up. So, you know, he lets us know we’re trying to sell the house possibly even with an option of buy back? And yeah, I mean, again, Bot just kind of takes over here from here. And it’s it’s honestly wild, you know, I’m, I’m not the most extrovert extroverted person in the world. And you know, I’ve had to tell a couple sellers, you know, in certain circumstances that we’re working with this AI technology, and I’m telling you like this, this Bot, in some cases has better personality than I do so.
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Justin: What is up? Everyone can hear me hopefully. For all my folks on Facebook, what is up? Let me know y’all are here. When you’re watching us on Facebook, make sure you make a comment below. Let me know you’re here just say what’s up? Or L F G, Lets Go. That’s my game. All right, we are going to have a really cool training tonight. I love doing case studies, right. And so while a lot of times, it’s cool for me to do a case study on a deal I’ve done. Many of you guys know, I’m doing deals and have done deals for 16 years. So it’s cool to highlight one of our Science of Flipping members from time to time, you know, honestly, actually should do it a lot more. So tonight, we’re gonna do that. So for all those out there breaking in the industry trying to get your first deal wondering if you’re going to quit your job? Should he go full time? Should he keep doing this part time? Does “AI” really work? What’s the secret sauce? How does this really work? This is going to be a great case study for all of you that have those questions. Okay. So let’s bring on my guest of honor, if you will, are going to be going live going over his deal that he got using a AI. So using AI is a big key word right now. Everyone wants to talk about AI, I can tell you. If you’re not using AI in your business right now, you will be left behind. So for all those people that don’t have what you’re gonna see tonight and don’t have automation, don’t have communication, don’t have the way to find seller leads. You need to get on the train. You need to see this and see how Anthony was able to get this deal done. And so, Anthony Cota, what’s up, dude?
Anthony: What’s going on, man?
Justin: Everything, Dude, everything. So I’m excited for you. I know it’s a big day for you. And you’re you have some level of a time crunch. So we’ll try to keep this as succinct as possible. Although I could probably talk about this with you for as long as you would let me but it’s super cool. You know, for all of you out there that are trying to figure out whether you’re going to do this part time or full time. Little background. And Anthony, he was a full time car salesman, for how many years?
Anthony: Just under four years,
Justin: Four years did very well financially. But found real estate found interest in real estate ultimately, which led to me joined by membership The Science Flipping, quit his job. And now we’re talking about at least the first deal with AI right here. This isn’t your first deal yet, is it?
Anthony: No, this is probably two or three.
Justin: Okay So, but this is the first one he’s done with AI and technology and done this way. And so again, this is we could go a lot of different routes on this and about your background and quitting and going all in. And I understand as you and I have always talked about, like I respect people and having kids and paying bills, and making that decision on his own time. But you invested to be in the community you got here. You listen to me and you said, bucket I’m going all in. And you did. And here we are today doing a case study on a deal that you did. And so I’m actually going to give the mic over to you. I’m going to give you the ability to kind of share, How we got the deal? What happened? What was the communication, everything that went on? In fact, I’d actually ask you. You share your screen, right? And to really let the people dive into what really happened here. And how did you do it? And again, how they can do it right? And what you said what you did, and how the automation and how all that jumped off and what you got cooking now what I want to kind of lead this with is not just this deal, which is cool and I think you made four grand what was the total assignment four grandish.
Anthony: This one is about 3200
Justin: Thirty Two Hundred, which is $3,200 more than the day before you closed right? (Anthony: No doubt). I also want to hear what else you got cooking? What else is going through your CRM? What else other sellers are you talking to and all the other different things. So I’ll give it over to you. And I’ll let you take it from here, brother. And by the way, if you’re just joining us on Facebook, say what’s up? Let us know you’re here just doing L F G in the comments below. That’s plenty. I’ll make sure I respond to all of you. So go ahead and Anthony.
Anthony: Cool, so first of all, let me just make sure that I am sharing my screen
Justin: You are yes you are awesome technology here.
Anthony: I’ll tell you right now, to do this. You don’t have to be the most technology savvy. So that’s a that’s a plus for some people out there are listening. I think they need to know it all, because I definitely don’t. But running through kind of, you know what Justin was talking about that first lead, I’m just gonna pull it up right now, this came in is kind of like a form fill lead. You know, so we we run targeted ads through Facebook that pretty much generated and brought in this lead. And it was really one of our our very first leads that we got into communication with we really started this whole thing on the Rocketly side, you know, kind of end of November, beginning of December. And this was just one of the first that came through. So forgive me for scrolling up through all the the back and forth that happened here between us.
Justin: I want them to realize a couple things out of the gate that you hit them with is you did Facebook ads. Many people don’t believe in it, they don’t even know how to do it. They don’t think it works. You know, they’re the very distinguishing factor between Google and Facebook. Right? Google is intent based people type in what they’re looking for. Facebook is interest based. So for the ads, and I use ads, you use ads, I teach my community do Facebook ads for that ad to intrigue someone to say, Hey, I’m looking to sell my home. It works. Right? So first of all, Facebook ads do absolutely work. And then secondly, all this scrolling guys is because there’s a lot of communication I want him to show you guys, I want him to go in depth of showing you like how long this actually took, what type of conversation Was he having? And how do we get to the finish line?
Anthony: Yeah, for sure. And, you know, Facebook ads have been great for us. In reality, just, you know, As Justin mentioned, you know, I’d quit my job recently. And so, you know, kind of figuring out a way to do it, that’s not necessarily high expense. Facebook ads has probably been the best way to do it and generate the traffic that we have been able to at the cost that it’s been, you know, we’re averaging, you know, probably anywhere from two to four leads a day. And of course, they aren’t all, you know, hot leads ready to go. But you know, it’s at least generating traffic that we can get on the phone and call and try and convert. So it’s much better than what we were doing before, which is essentially zero through that. But this kind of gives you an idea of like what Justin was mentioning about the AI side. So this first message essentially is fully AI generated. You don’t have to pick up the phone or anything like that. This gets sent out as initial outreach, essentially, like right when you get the lead. So it pretty much just goes through saying hey, it mentions the you know, my name Anthony. I’m with nationwide homebuyers. Just trying to giving you a voicemail, and then reason I’m reaching out is because you’re trying to sell your home over on evergreen.
Justin: That was through email, correct? Yeah, yep. So another thing I just want to highlight for everyone. Email works also, right? These are things that a lot of people don’t realize that actually works. But the automation of that email happening before Anthony even has to talk to the seller is massive. He doesn’t have to say anything, he lets automation happen, and let the seller come back to him. So keep going, Dude, I just want people to realize an outbound email from someone who filled out a form online will actually work.
Anthony: Yeah, definitely. So you can see like it was delivered. These usually like when they pop in, I tried to get on the phone, like immediately, but you know, the AI works a little quicker than I can sometimes. So it helps just with that initial outreach. So you can see like a secondary follow up phone call, this one might have actually been just being that it’s so short, like, like an automated voicemail system as well that we sent. So it’s one of those two, I don’t quite remember. And then followed up with a text as well, after the call, like “Hey you know, looks like we missed you”. Once a good chat time to jump on another call. And then this guy actually just replied via text and was like,” Hey, I’d rather communicate with text just please text me. And so we went through a while, you know, just chatting directly about the property just making sure I got the address correct. Verifying square footage, you know, how many bedrooms? how many bathrooms? which, you know, going through texts, it’s a little bit more difficult than you know, straight phone call, it just takes a little while longer but you know, luckily this guy was decent in communication. So he’s kind of breaking down just the size of the house and everything like that. You know, and then we’re trying to get information on condition of the house, what’s been remodeled, etc. So this kind of went on, you know, for the entire day that day. He didn’t get back to me for another three days. check back in with him for some photos three days later, finally got me over some pictures that were just super basic, not really representing the house, you know, as well as we need to really go out and make an offer. But he was he was able to give us enough. So in either communication, try to get some photos of the inside of the house. And this, again was over the next couple of days, but, you know, ended up getting corresponded with just more information of the house instead of photos. And there was a tenant occupying the house on this one, which is actually still there. And one of the reasons we had to delay the closing a little bit, but you know, few days of closing and then finally was able to send him an offer. Initial lead was December 3, and then we got an offer to him December 13. So roughly about 10 days later, we’re able to send him an offer.
Justin: And all of this has transpired over text, correct?
Anthony: Correct. Yeah, not a single even to this day, I have never once talked to this guy on the phone.
Justin: I want you guys to take note of this, right? There’s a lot that we could go over, right? But Anthony has a time constraint. And so we’ll dive into a bit like you under you have to understand you gotta meet the sellers where they’re at with communication, a lot of people don’t want to get on the phone. So for all you guys out there cold calling, there’s a lot of sellers that want nothing to do with it. That’s why the initial email worked. He said, Please text me. And then it allowed Anthony jump in there. And now what you’re gonna what I’ve asked Anthony to show you guys a little bit down the road. There’s an AI Bot now that’s working on behalf of Anthony that has been implemented the Anthony doesn’t even do this anymore. We’ll get there. I want you to show that Anthony, but keep going. So it took roughly 10 days from texting going back and forth to actually submitting an offer.
Anthony: Yeah, absolutely. So I gave him a give him an offer right around, you know, 30,000 said he had to get back with his wife. He initially came back to me and was like, hey, like, our lowest offer that we’re willing to accept right now is 40k. And the process that we use, you know, we kind of use the backdoor, like, you know, underwriter systems. So going to check with someone that’s not yourself to kind of remove yourself from the conversation. And so just ask them like “Hey, if we’re able to get those numbers bumped up a little bit, you know, could you help us out on the price?” And then he immediately dropped down to 35-36. Again, this was over a kind of a couple of days, and then was able to get back to him a couple of days later and said, Hey, we got a new number approved at 33. Seven, which this too was, you know, it’s right before the holidays too so you know, replying was slow. You know, everything on his hand took a little longer. And he pretty much told me like, you know, send me over a contract, let me review it at that 33 7, and then I’ll get back to you. So sent that over to him, you know, got the details of who’s on the contract, etc. And then this was again, kind of communicating back and forth about the tenant situation. They it was like a family member in the property we were trying to close, you know, within 30 days, and they tried to push it out for you know, roughly two months, we’re just kind of figuring all that out. Ended up just letting him know, like, hey, let’s make sure that we can move past inspection, and then we’ll figure out the tenant situation. And then moving on, you know, just kind of checking back in with him seeing if he was able to view the contract, sign it and took him, you know, another two days, three days to even get the contract signed. And this was December 16. So another you know, three days later, four days later, and he’s finally even to get in and accept our second offer.
Justin: At 33 Seven, (Anthony: at 33 Seven Yep) Yeah, your follow up is actually saying is incredible here, right? And so that but that’s part of this game. Everyone wants to know what the secret sauce is a lot of times with these sellers and is be there at the right time. Timing plays a lot of this right. And so your follow up, your ability to just check in, you know, Ashley’s comment, and what you did is the right thing is these sellers come to us whether they fill out a form, whether they come through lead detector or whatever, it’s about timing. And you need to just be in communication with them when they’re ready. Right. It’s not on your time. It’s on the sellers time. So great job.
Anthony: Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I mean, follow up is definitely important. You know, even a lot of times when people tell you to kick rocks, you know, just checking back in in three, four days, like “Hey you still got that house?” You know, or two, three weeks later, just you know, poke it in there to see. You’d be surprised that you know and what answers that you’d get. But in other words, you were able to finally get the contract signed, got access to someone that dispo it to essentially got a kind of instantaneous offer, but it was lower than what we actually had it contracted for. So moving forward, you know, this is kind of when, when we’re able to get them in, and then after that, we essentially went into like a renegotiation phase. And this was, you know, going through christmas and stuff, too. So, you can see here, like, this is New Year’s, when I finally got back to him and said “Hey, like, you know, contractor came back in lower than expected”. And, you know, our offer went from 33, down to 25. And trying to close January 30, with which didn’t ideally work for him either. So, he didn’t even respond to that. So I messaged him again, this was December 31, reached out to him again, January 2, and it was just like “Hey, you know, do you think we can proceed?” And they replied, you know, “Can’t go that low 30k is going to be the lowest”, which, you know, seem like I can make it make sense. Told him the same thing, like a, I’ll go back to my team, see if we can make it work at 30k got some more details about the property, you know, if there’s anything that I can do to kind of bump up that evaluation, if there’s a new roof, new AC, that kind of thing. And really just trying to get another solid commitment, you know, because before it was tough to get down to the 33. So just trying to get that lower commitment price. And he was like, as you can see, right here, he was willing to work with us, you know, which made me understand that he didn’t really have any other offers out there. And they wanted to get this property sold. So there’s definitely motivation there. And then again, this was, you know, just a bit of communication. And then just me, you know, kind of chopping away at it, seeing where we can get those numbers to. You went back up this time at 27 Eight, just to see, you know, if he would come down to our number, and at that time, we had a, we had it pretty much disputed about 33. So you know, we were just trying to make our profit margin at this point is as much as we can.
Justin: Yeah. So you never saw the home just so everyone understands. This is all virtual. What city is this in?
Anthony: This is in Michigan, Detroit, Michigan.
Justin: And then you live in California. This is all virtual, you never saw the home? Who took pictures? Or did we rely on the buyer to take pictures? What did you do?
Anthony: Yeah, so buyer, took those few pictures up front. And then we actually like the guy that we’re displaying it to he wouldn’t just looked at the property himself based off of those first initial pictures.
Justin: You mean, the seller took initial pictures?
Anthony: Yeah, sorry the seller took the initial photos, the first three or four. And then we were able to get someone out there physically at the property that was able to take some more photos.
Justin: How many buyers went to the property? Do you remember?
Anthony: Two total on this one.
Justin: And one guy bought it. And that’s what I want everyone to understand is like, you don’t need to have 25 people go see this home, you need one. And one person can buy it. Right? And so for that, you know, to work out the way it did. That’s all you need. And that’s why I tell all of my members contract deals, make offers make offers. You don’t need the deal that everyone wants, you need the deal that one person wants, one person, not everybody. Right?
Anthony: Yeah, so still, you know, on this, and it was still a little bit back and forth. And then we actually found out like, after, you know, because we knew we could make that 30 grand work. So again, I was just trying to chop away to make a little bit more profit. And then he kind of brought up the fact that he had past due taxes and a water bill that equaled about another three grand, you know, we’re so we’re kind of back at square one from where he wanted to be to breaking even. So this is just verifying that and then the three grand you know, just verifying that that’s on top of what he wants us paying that as well, considering, you know, all the closing costs, we’re already paying that. So yeah, just going through kind of what exactly it was that he owed here. So thousand in water and another 2k in back taxes going through, you know how Sandy wants to get out, was able to get a timeline at least on when he could remove the tenant because that was important to our buyer. And then again, we had to kind of go back into a renegotiation there because, you know, we weren’t aware of this tax bill until after we had already got a contract signed and then after we renegotiated again. And he kind of threw this on us last minute, you know, we were kind of at the finish line. So this was another like few days of renegotiating dropping back down our price, you know, to include that $3,000 bill that we weren’t expecting. And, you know, at this point, the, the seller wasn’t communicating very well, you know, I can tell there’s some hesitation. But he’s giving me some positive feedback as well, like letting me know, we’re not too far off, but not really given me an answer. And then finally, January 3rd, I was able to get back in touch with them. So this is essentially, you know, a month later from when we originally contracted that deal. He came back with a number that he was okay with, which he was saying, pretty much give us the original price that you offered, which is 33 seven, or give me another 60 days of rental income, and give me 30,800. Which neither one really made sense for the buyer. So again, you know, went back to letting them know, we can’t get in the 30s bumped it up to almost 29. But you know, gave him the closing deadline that he was looking for of the 28th of February. And then again, just just more back and forth, kind of vague conversation. Still just waiting to hear back from him. And then, you know, one more time he kind of just let it go. And then I just kind of push back one more time, like just asking them, hey, what can we do to get this done today, trying to push you know, our guys up a little bit more, again, jumped up to 29 Four. He says we’re getting close. And I just asked them, you know, what do you mean by that? 50 bucks, 100 bucks. And this is me still trying to tell him like, Hey, I’m even gonna have to push to get to this number. I can’t guarantee anything. And finally landed on 29 8 question and then, you know, eventually, he just said again, like, I’ll let you know, didn’t let me know the following days. So I just checked back in with him. And he said, that should work. So that’s kind of what we landed on finally contracted at that price. So essentially, like the whole process took, you know, a little over a month from start to finish. And then another few days after that, honestly, to just get the contract signed. This is kind of last communication here.
Justin: All right. So you finally got the deal wrapped up. There are a couple quick questions we’re going to answer. No need for walkthrough, appraisal or inspection. No need to wholesaling. You don’t need to do any of that. Now, you know, for us to get pictures, a lot of times we want to have some sort of, you know, walkthrough from an agent or contractor, we don’t need it. And then how do you ensure the potential buyer doesn’t go around, you record the contract or the county quarter, county recorders office to make sure that that happens. So now for the sake of time, so I know you’re a little challenge on time, you’re able to sell this deal the buyer move forward, you’re able to just follow up and continue the back and forth negotiations. I want everyone to understand. Part of the power for Anthony was knowing where his buyer was at getting a number out of his buyer. By that he was then able to reverse engineer how much money he was going to be able to make. And if he was going to have to only make $1,000, then that was going to have to be done, just to get the deal done. But you know, obviously in this scenario, the seller wasn’t able to negotiate very low because of this, that and the other thing, again, the power came from knowing his buyer was going to move forward at that by criteria. So why don’t we just kind of anything else you want to say about this specific deal? Anthony?
Anthony: Yeah, no, not in particular.
Justin: Okay, so why don’t we show them kind of what else you guys got and what you got in the work. I wanted to show him the Bot now. I know you’re really cool. So when you guys see Anthony going back and forth the way that he did that was him actually doing it. Now Rocketly actually has a bot that does all that communication on your behalf. Show off a little bit of that what you have going on in there.
Anthony: Yeah, definitely. So, this was a pretty good example of really just, you know, 90% like automated response that actually helped because if you can see my, you know, five or six phone call attempts here, I didn’t really have much luck getting a hold of this guy. And then finally he actually returned a call, but I missed it. And then this is kind of where the Bot picks up. So, you know, he lets us know we’re trying to sell the house possibly even with an option of buy back? And yeah, I mean, again, Bot just kind of takes over here from here. And it’s it’s honestly wild, you know, I’m, I’m not the most extrovert extroverted person in the world. And you know, I’ve had to tell a couple sellers, you know, in certain circumstances that we’re working with this AI technology, and I’m telling you like this, this Bot, in some cases has better personality than I do so.
Justin: Well, the one thing I can tell you about the machine is they don’t have feelings. So you and I might get a little awkward, a little cringy, about saying something. But you know, what needs to be said? And maybe you might not say it, because it’s a little like, Ah, I don’t want to, I don’t want to piss them off. And or I don’t want to be annoying. I don’t want to keep asking the same question. A Bot has no feeling, they will ask the same question until they get the answer. Right? And so to your point, a lot of times, the machine learning in the machine, the Bot is actually going to do the right thing by asking the question that needs to be answered until it’s answered.
Anthony: Yeah, and I mean, this is a perfect example right here, where, you know, they’re pretty much just saying, if we can make them numbers make sense of it, there is no reply. And it just kind of reiterated, you know, like, we have to know a little bit about the property first, before we even know if it qualifies. And as pretty in depth questions. I mean, this is asking, or it’s verifying, you know, the square footage, the bedroom bath count. Asking about updates. Asking if there’s any major renovations done recently, any updates done in the last decade?
Justin: This is all the Bot right? This is not you?
Anthony: Right. Yeah. And I mean, the crazy part is like, you can see the monocular that it uses, like, it’s, it seems like a real person, you know, I think that’s one of the cool things about it is like, you know, it’s not just very generic answers or questions, you know, they’re very in depth, I’ve had a couple, I couldn’t find the example. But they’re even talking about, like, you know, losses of the family and not being able to get back to it. And like the Bot will even sympathize with those kind of answers. So which is, you know, not normal for a typical, like AI that I’ve dealt with. But, um, so yeah, what’s nice is it kind of goes through like a predetermined checklist. And when I click on it over here, so this is essentially like goals that it attempts to run through. And as it runs through them, you can kind of see all the boxes that have been checked over here on the left. So as the Bot figures out these like characteristics of their property, it essentially checks them off by itself. So property condition, property updates, has a property been listed, bedroom, bath garage. And then an even goes as far as like, you know what interest they have of selling, their current ownership. You know, just about everything. And eventually, you can see here, there is an option to turn the Bot off and on, you know, when you kind of catch the conversation at a point where you feel like there’s human interaction needed. That’s where you are allowed to take over. And then you just shut the Bot down at that point. And, you know, you essentially become the closer.
Justin: So, show the boss that he Bot off that red button, everybody that’s what he’s saying is on to the right. So right here, you can turn it on, turn it off, right? It’s super, super cool. What’s up, Jennifer? Jennifer Atkins should be like you quitting her job. She’s a ball around Houston. So if you’re in Houston, get a hold of Jennifer but well, good. I mean, you know, this is something that for, for a lot of people can help because and I’ll just use just because Jen Atkins is here, and you are here. Now the Bot didn’t exist before you quit your job. But how helpful would this Bot have been? Prior you quitting your job with this, even if helped you potentially get your first deal before you left your job? Because you wouldn’t have had to do as much or anything?
Anthony: Yeah, I definitely think so. I mean, because in the beginning, you know, in the learning phase, you’re really just figuring out like, these exact questions that the Bots are asking. So having something to like implement that when you don’t necessarily know the questions to ask in the beginning, you know, would have definitely been super helpful. And obviously, you know, from a lead perspective, if you’re generating a ton of leads or pulling lists or whatever that is, you know, when you say you upload them to this system, you can handle a lot more outreach that way than you know me doing it personally, especially as you know, a newbie.
Justin: Yep, a 100% So why don’t you show him what else you? Didn’t you contract another deal using Rocketly and all that going on with that one now? Now remember, this whole case study was about getting his first deal through AI through Rocketly and all this kind of stuff. But that’s just not even his first deal anymore as he’s already contracted another deal. I wanted him to highlight that as well, when you’re able to, you know, have a machine running the way the Rocketly does, I mean, it starts to systemize some of this stuff, and then it’s just a volume game. So what the other thing that you got going cooking?
Anthony: Yes, so there’s, these are a few that we recently contracted. This one over here to the left being the most current. And this is kind of just another circumstance, you could see it’s kind of (Justin: These are all off market, right? for clarity?) Yeah, these ones have been there are on market deals as well, they get pulled through the Facebook targeted ads. But these ones are all off market.
Justin: And then again, I’m just using points of clarity. You quit your job, how many months ago? (Anthony: October) And you have that one deal that just closed? And you have these three deals that are locked up? Correct. Now, obviously, there are different points somewhere in marketing, some may even be found a buyer, but yeah, what happened? How many offers Do you think you’ve made over the last two months? Just around
Anthony: I would say yeah, I mean, in the three to 500 range.
Justin: Three to 500 offers. Yeah. Okay, so for all you guys listening. To some extent, that’s what it will take is, you know, five to 10 offers a day, even 10 offers a day is Only 200 offers a month, right? So that would get to 400. But he’s making the offers. That is the reason why he has these three other deals that have been contracted, is because he’s making the actual offer that is in large part, when I’m educating our community, the thing I emphasize the most is you need to be making the offer or you just won’t get the deal. So that’s what he’s done. And that’s why he has these other three deals is because he continues to make the offer. Go ahead.
Anthony: Yeah, definitely. I completely agree, you know, I don’t think we would have had as many deals under contract, and we wouldn’t have as many offers, you know, I figured out the formula for us, at least now, it became like a 30 to one ratio, you know, for every roughly 30 offers that we put in, we got about one contracted. So Justin, you know, has taught us kind of reverse engineering, utilizing KPIs. So we kind of figured out that as a number, in the last two months, you know, which is when we physically got Rocketly, I feel like that offer number has been able to go down. Just because we’ve been able to have a little bit more success with our outreach. So it’s probably closer to about 20 to one now. But originally, you know, we’re probably about 30 to one. In this one, this other one that we got contracted was actually right around the same time. So December 4th, the other one was December 3rd. And same thing, you know, initial outreach from the the automation, finally was able to get on a call with this guy. And then very similar circumstance, we actually just got the contract three days ago, and this was, you know, again, started communication December 4th, you know, went back and forth for a while seemed like he was going to accept an offer backed out that his wife shut him down. So you know, kind of just excuse after excuse, you know, Christmas holiday time didn’t work. This is my family home, like, I think it’s valued at more so just about every possible excuse, or reason, you know, because these are genuine reasons. Even though we look at them as excuses, you know, these are, these are reasons, you know, that people aren’t going to sell to just slowly chipping away and finally overcoming it. And, you know, I think he found out that no one else was going to offer him, you know, really anything for the property. And at the end of the day, he reached out to us, you know, so I think that’s the biggest thing to understand is like, you know, when these people are reaching out to you, I mean, there’s the motivation alone, you know, (Justin: they’re all coming through your Facebook ads, correct?) Yeah, these are all from Facebook generated ads.
Justin: Is this also a form fill? Or is it a lead detector?
Anthony: These were both form fill.
Justin: Love it. Love it. Um, do you want to show any of the other ones or anything else? Because I know we’re up against the clock here.
Anthony: Yeah, I can show this one other. One other one that we had here. This one we actually, you know, funny enough. Not all of them go through right? You know, this one was another one. This one just to kind of exemplify the Lead Detector. This one was a Lead Detector lead before I got the Bot as well, and this was done, you know, virtually through email and then finally got on a phone call with them. You know, talk through on phone call and this was it was just in the middle of nowhere, you know, so we’re kind of taking a risk. funny enough, we actually found a buyer for it, but one of those things again, we found out, you know, later down the road that they had a tenant there that they couldn’t get out that they’ve been trying to get out.
Justin: Classic sellers the home is great. No, no big deal its easy, we could tell it immediately. And then they don’t tell you. That won’t leave, right?
Anthony: Yep. Yeah. So they don’t all work out, you know, at the end of the day, but it just.
Justin: Yeah, but your numbers did, the buyer wanted to everything happened and the seller, you know, listen, you know, sellers are gonna hide this stuff. They’re gonna try to tell you it’s great. But then it blows the deal up for everybody. You did everything right. You contracted the deal at the right price. The buyer wanted it seller didn’t tell you how to a tenant that didn’t want to move and wasn’t paying. Okay, well, no buyer wants that tenant. Right? So again, you did the right thing, and you’re doing everything. So here’s, I’m getting a lot of questions on the Facebook side as well as on Zoom. Here’s what I tell you guys to do. If you want a deeper dive at this on exactly how this looks go to and schedule a demo, there’s a red link, if you could actually go share your screen right now real quick, Anthony? scheduled demo, what it will do is it will first ask you to fill out an application so we can learn a little bit more about you. Are you new to this? Are you a seasoned investor? Do you have experience? Where are you at? What what what are we starting with. And then we will schedule a true in depth demo, excuse me your true in depth demo, Rocketly. And then you will be able to actually spend a lot more time diving into exactly how this works. So these red buttons click on either one of them, it’ll first ask you to fill out an application and then you can schedule a call. So if you want more time, go to And do that. And happy to have a discussion of all the ins and outs of this how the Bot works. I have Jen asking should you be going nationwide or not? Anthony’s going nationwide, I go nationwide, many of my members of the Science Flipping community go nationwide. However, you can get extremely targeted, things like you can upload a list in your own neighborhood. If you want your own county, your own state upload a list, let the Bot start working for you. And starting that conversation having all those conversations you quite literally don’t even have to do the work yourself anymore. Again, I’ve been saying this a lot lately, I’m getting a little scared for mankind in general. Because literally you don’t need to do the work. And so Jen, just because I know you’re asking for those that are doing this part time this really solves some of that, which is like I don’t have time to be talking to the seller. Well, you don’t need time now. The Bot will actually do it. Now do you need to get home from work check where the conversation left off. Is it about time for you to make a call it might be that time but you don’t need to be worrying about you know breaking away from work finding time on the side to do these calls with the sellers. You don’t need to actually do that. So you can do localized you can do specific to you know, state county neighborhoods, you can upload lists and let the boss start to work or you can do Facebook ads. Which I think you do both I don’t think it’s an “or” it can be an “and”, right? And very, very, very inexpensive. Right? I see Cota in here Ashley Cota saying the wallet loves it. Yeah, cuz you don’t have to go do pay per click advertising and direct mail. Or hire some cold calling team for $3,500 a month. You can do this. You don’t need to spend anything near that kinda. So that’s my answer to you, Jen. I know there’s a lot of questions here on Facebook. I’ll put the link in the comments but go to Do more of a true tutorial like one on one with one of my specialists. They’ll show you all the coolness the ins and outs of Rocketly but this is just the first of many for Anthony Kota here getting through rock really appreciate you spending some time with us, dude.
Anthony: Yes, Sir. I appreciate you man.
Justin: All right. All right, y’all. Be good. See you all next week. Appreciate you. Talk to you, later.