Case Study: How Member Got 3 Real Estate Deals Using AI Tech

Case Study: How Member Got 3 Real Estate Deals Using AI Tech

Jennifer: What’s cool about Rocketly is they kind of have this CRM completely built in for you. So even someone like myself that is not a CRM person, and by the way, I have no team. It’s just me. I work from home. I it’s just me plugging away on a phone, talking to sellers on my computer. And Rocketly actually kind of oh, I talk to them, cool. Oh, I need to follow up with them. You click a button, oh, I should make an offer. I click a button, and then I have them all in these like categories, and then offer made, and then you click it over, offer accepted. And don’t get me wrong, I probably have not looked at my Rocketly in a week. So, it probably needs a little bit of cleanup. Like, you know, sometimes people’s homes get a little dirty, so does my Rocketly gets a little dirty? But the point is, it’s so intuitive that it’s really, really user friendly.

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Justin: What is up, everybody? Let’s let this rip. I’m excited about this. Super excited about this. We have an incredible case study that just got even better. As a matter of fact, one of our Science of Flipping members has gotten two deals as of this morning, specifically using our technology and the AI that we use that we teach our members. But as of roughly 15 minutes ago, she just called me. She just got a third deal, a third deal. So I am super excited about this. This is going to be an incredible training. I know she was just getting on zoom as I am getting on Zoom. So for all of you that are struggling to find deals, that is why we do these case studies every so often. That is why we wanted to show you what is really working today. And you know, John Oitice is doing really, really well and rocketly as well, and Jennifer is surprising us with a third deal. So one of the things Gary Coit, what is up again? If you are watching us live on Facebook, just say what’s up. Show some love to the post as it helps people get notified that we are doing this very live training. This is a case study, just about what is really working in our community, what’s happening in the Science of Flipping, what’s working, what’s not working, how people are getting deals. And so hopefully this is important. I would take some notes. We’re going to try to keep this to about 30 minutes so you don’t have to worry too much about missing dinner. Doing you know, missing date night. We’re going to try to keep this relatively short here. Well, while we are waiting, why don’t you guys ask some questions? What’s going on John Oitice? I would like to know how she’s finding her deals. I need help with constant deal flow. So that’s Beth. What we’re going to go is like, I’m going to there she is. Well, Beth, guess what? You’re going to be able to get this answer, we got our girl. She’s here. Listen, I will tell you guys, just as a side note, you’re supposed to have a real estate license in Oklahoma City too, and I still to this day, wholesale in Oklahoma City and Oklahoma and Tulsa. So I leave it to you guys all at this okay, it is your judgment call. You guys are all adults. You can do what you believe to be the right thing and what is lawful. I will pose this question. When you drive your car, how often are you going the exact speed limit? I mean, I’ll keep waiting for the answer, because it is that’s a real law, by the way, the speed limit law is like a real state government law, not a law from the Board of Realtors, which is, I don’t actually know what, so I’ll leave you guys that little thought. Now we have our girl, the State of the Unions here, the the hostess with the most is Jennifer Jones, what’s happening? Lady?

Jennifer: Oh, hey everybody, sorry about I’m not a techie. So this is going to hopefully resonate with some people out there, (like me), terrible at tech stuff, but I’m here so,

Justin: So, I appreciate it, and you know, because you are a part of the community, I’m terrible with it. If it is not for Lea or Chris or people that can just say, Justin, let me walk you through these things, I wouldn’t know how to do it either. So, you’re all good. I totally get it, not a problem here. Um, I wanted to see if there was any last quick questions. John Oitice answered that. Okay, cool. So let’s jump in, just because we’re a little bit behind schedule here, and I want to try to keep it to 7:30 or 7:40 latest, so people can go, you have done a fantastic job since the beginning of this year, you now have three deals. Is the exciting news that you have contracted, and how many of those three Have you sold?

Jennifer: So, none officially yet, but I have two in escrow that are closing here shortly. We have buyers contracted. We’re in escrow. So we dispo it a buyer picked it up,

Justin: Yep. So by the way, Jen, when I mean sold, I mean that meaning buyer earnest money’s in escrow is ready. So you sold two of the three, and you just locked up a third.

Jennifer: I did. I just locked a third.

Justin: So, listen for all you guys out there, and I’d love to see if this is true for anyone else. Jen, just like yours truly myself, was struggling to start like it didn’t just all of a sudden, she just didn’t come into coaching and come into the community and all of a sudden, like the world on fire, and she all of a sudden, has three deals. She was kind of fighting out. Hill and was trying things and wasn’t working. And by the way, it took me nine months to get one deal. So this is not a knock on Jen, by any stretch, because it has not even been close to nine months. But I say this to just say, you know, she started to find something within rocketly that started to work for her, and I want you to share your screen and kind of show what has happened since you got rocket Lee, obviously you’re part of our community, which is incredible and all the members. But you know, even Beth was saying, How the hell did she even find the sellers, right? And that is our industry’s biggest challenge Period. End of story is finding sellers and finding sellers willing to take a number that we can offer. So I will give this back to you. Talk to us about these three deals now, two of which you’ve already found the buyer and and sold, but I’m so proud of you. You should be proud of yourself. You kept your head in the game. Let’s talk about these deals. And then if you even wanted to show your screen of how the whole thing works, that would be great.

Jennifer: Sure, I might fumble because I have not shared my screen on a zoom before, but I’m sure we can fumble together. Yeah. So basically, I’ve had Rocketly for maybe, really going for about five weeks, and I messed up a lot. I’ve written, I don’t know, maybe 15 offers. I had six acceptance. I tried to dispo, five of them that went nowhere. So, but you know you, what you told me, what you guys taught me, is you have to go out there and make tons of mistakes, and then eventually you’re going to get it. And that’s what I did. I really made every mistake possible, just by contracting and podunk here and not understanding that. Oh, wait, no one knows where that is. I didn’t know where it was, so if I don’t know where it is, probably no one’s going to buy there either. But it was good practice, and I finally got something to hit after the mistake. So I guess, I guess the moral of the story is you just have to keep trying, and then it’ll eventually work out.

Justin: I just really want to echo that, because there’s so many people probably on this zoom, on this Facebook that want to quit. They they’re frustrated. They’re not getting anywhere, but they also don’t have a system and a process. And I would challenge all of you who don’t to find a way to get rocketly, right? I mean, what you’re going to see today will show you where to even, you know, go get a demo of this. But at the end of the day, if you don’t have a process, and you’re trying to wonder how to find seller leads, and you tried cold calling, or you hired one VA, and all the other little things that you might see on YouTube, that’s not a process. What Jen followed was a process. Now, to your point, you messed it up along the way, and that’s okay, because that’s really what it’s about. I would rather a Jen Jones than someone who just doesn’t do anything right. Makes one random offer, it gets rejected, and they get scared and quit. So you really need to be proud of yourself for doing what you did, keeping your head in the game, knowing that it was going to work, maybe not exactly when you wanted to, but knowing it was going to and here we are today. So let’s talk about it.

Jennifer: So, what’s cool about Rocketly is they kind of have this CRM completely built in for you. So even someone like myself that is not a CRM person, and by the way, I have no team. It’s just me. I work from home. I it’s just me plugging away on a phone, talking to sellers on my computer. And Rocketly actually kind of oh, I talk to them, cool. Oh, I need to follow up with them. You click a button, oh, I should make an offer. I click a button, and then I have them all in these like categories, and then offer made, and then you click it over, offer accepted. And don’t get me wrong, I probably have not looked at my Rocketly in in a week. So, it probably needs a little bit of cleanup. Like, you know, sometimes people’s homes get a little dirty, so does my Rocketly gets a little dirty? But the point is, it’s so intuitive that it’s really, really user friendly.

Justin: Yeah. And so do you mind trying to share your screen?

Jennifer: Let’s give it. Let’s give it a go. (So, there must be, like, the at the bottom,it should say share screen, big green). Oh, yeah, okay, cool. There you go. And then it’ll let you choose what you’re going to share my desktop, right? There you go. Yeah, cool. (And Beth Moreno says, yes, it’s just her too. She’s the only one). Oh, I can relate to you girl well completely. All right, so let’s pull something up

Justin: And a big shout out to a lot of our team members out there that I know you’ve been working with John Kirk is a massive, massive, massive help to the community. John Oitice, I know you’ve been working with him as well for a lot of help. Dakotas and so you know, as much as a process and systems and tool can help, having the people around you, the community around you, really does make a massive difference. And so, big shout out to all those people talk to me about maybe the first one that you got contracted. What was the story of the seller? How did it all come about? Did you call them? Did you let the AI Bot start auto communicating with them? What was what was going on there?

Jennifer: Yeah, so I actually bought the bot because I feel like my own personal touch is a little bit. You know, what everyone’s missing in today’s busy world.

Justin: A 100% if you’re a good salesperson, you need to be right on the phone with that seller if there’s no doubt.

Jennifer: So, I basically text them immediately and I always say, hey, it’s Jen from buyers at homes for cash. I want to offer you an offer, but first I want to talk to you so I can better understand your goals. And that’s it. I copy and paste that message throughout almost every person I talk to I might and then if they start talking to me, depending what state I’m in, maybe I’ll say sir or ma’am, or maybe I’ll keep it more like, hey, more of a lighter note, but I noticed that I do a lot of business in the south, so there’s a lot more. You know, manners that go along.

Justin: Formality is not quite as west coast. It is much more formal and so, yeah, there’s no doubt.

Jennifer: Yeah. I mean, I’m on the west coast in San Francisco. We’re all like, yeah, cool, bro, you know what I mean. But no, that doesn’t work out in the south. So I reached out to the seller. They basically, I said, Do you prefer afternoon or evenings? That’s just because I’m on the East Coast. I’m on the West Coast, and everyone’s on the on the East Coast and and, you know, not every time can I call someone at 5am so they tell me when I mmediately call them back, and then I go through the sales process that John Kirk taught me.

Justin: How funny is that, that he just popped in right as you said his name, that’s wild.

Jennifer: And it basically keeps people on the phone for 20 minutes. It’s true that in the beginning, I was not able to make the offer on the first call that I needed time to work up the courage. Now, five weeks into this, I’m able to make the offer on the call, but I was not able to do that five weeks ago.

Justin: I love that, and it’s because of the sales training John’s helping with and we have every single week, and that’s giving you more of the confidence to understand it correct?

Jennifer: A 100% because you have to be able to, because it’s also true that I don’t necessarily comp anything until I get the seller on the phone (Right as you should). And because that’s a waste of time, I could spend hours comping something, and then someone never calls me or picks up the phone, that is wasted time. And I learned that very early on.

Justin: Agreed, a 100% and you must have an incredible coach. So John, I know you’re on and you’re trying to kind of help show those deals if you two want to kind of take over the conversation, because I know you’ve been helping some of these, but I also want you to kind of show and or Jennifer, kind of what you have here, where your leads are, and everyone who’s kind of catching up to where she was talking about, how these leads you can, quite literally play some new lead came in offer needs to be made, in contract, in escrow, in dispo, you can move it around like a scrum board, I guess is the best way. You could probably make an analogy. But this is Jen’s rocketly. And so I know a handful of you were saying, where’s she getting the leads? She’s getting the leads, right? You’re running Facebook ads to your website, correct?

Jennifer: Yes, which actually Rocketly does all of it for you. They figure out which ads to run, and they set everything up. And basically, I just connect my credit card to it. And of course, you can tweak them and do it. Whatever you want to them, but I did, you know, I just wanted the leads to come in, and then I figured stuff out later. So it really works out for me that I don’t have to overthink how the leads are going to start coming into me. They do it all for you, and then they kind of just populate all of your your leads and conversations and opportunities.

Justin: Yeah, and so what you guys are kind of seeing is, John’s going through some of the opportunities and going through the communication within Rocketly. John, do you want to kind of talk about what you’re walking through right now.

John Kirk: Yeah, I’m sorry, guys, my thing is moving a little slow. So let me just close out a couple of browsers right here, because I’ve been rocking all day. So yeah, we’re in the seller leads pipeline right here. So you know, when the lead gets captured or they fill out a form, they’re going to be right here. And then, you know. Jen, do you have the active rocket bot? Are you doing it manually right now? You’re manually?

Jennifer: I do have the rocket bot, but I do it manually. Even though I do have the Bot, you have to go in and turn it on, but I like to do my initial outreach myself.

John Kirk: Love it. Love it. That is, that is cool. That’s probably speaking to the consistency that you’re bringing to it to get these results. So here are the people that fill out the form, and are you? It looks like you’re engaging with the Engage leads as well, manually as well, correct?

Jennifer: Yes, I even do the ones that you know, lead detector leads that I also have, I give them an email or a phone number. But you know, sometimes that isn’t 100% accurate information, like Rocketly is definitely more accurate.

John Kirk: Love it. So, offers made right over here, Justin, and then when they she drags it over to here, the automation takes place. That’s where, like the ringless voicemail, direct mailer, Facebook retargeting will then go out, which brings them back here. And so she puts them under contract, and then they kind of end up here in this pipeline, the dispositions pipeline, where her job is just to click and drag it over until it gets close. You know, passed off a sign, sold, so on and so forth.

Justin: So what would, what was the stories of the sellers that you contracted and then have already sold? What? What’s the seller? Stories there?

Jennifers: So, one of the sellers is because I always try to figure out what is the best scenario for the seller. If the best scenarios for them to list with an agent, I’ll tell them that they should go list with an agent. Sure, because I’m not here just to make money. I’m here to change people’s lives, right? So, with this one seller, he’s a Vietnam vet, he’s he he has some health issues. He didn’t really want to deal with putting it on the market. But it’s funny, he happened to buy a house contingent upon selling his house, so I was honored, and yet, completely, you know, oh my gosh, we’re under the gun, and I have to make this happen. So, I said, No problem. We’re going to go ahead and we’re going to take care of this for you. I thought the price was fair. It was in an interesting market called Foley, Alabama, which is actually really more probably Florida market than an Alabama market, because it’s more coastal. Yeah, and, you know, it was basically couple weeks no buyers, no bites, nothing. And then the third week we had four buyers go, go look at it, and we got the contract all wrapped up, and now it’s going to go it’s in the closing table. We’re going to close in two weeks.

Justin: Love that. And the buyer, did you do a JV? Or did you find the buyer? Where do you find the buyer?

Jennifer: So right now, since I am the one person party, i i And I enjoy the the seller conversation. I like the connecting. I like the helping, like, you know, the warm and fuzzy, so I hand it off to a dispo team.

Justin: And by the way, just for most people who are sitting there, is that is a very reasonable thing for someone to do. So Jen, you are unique, right? I am unique. John Kirk is unique. We enjoy and are good at sales. We enjoy relating to people. We enjoy listening to people. We enjoy trying to add value and help. It is a, it is an, I don’t want to say inherited, per se, but like that is just something innate about us. Not all people are in the same ways. So a lot of times people would rather be, you know. Bear it in our community. On the other side of this where they’re just working with the buyers, they don’t have to come up with all this stuff. They don’t have to listen to the sellers. They’re just like, hey, let me just bring you a buyer. And for you guys out there that are more like Jen and like sales or good at it, or like to talk to people relatable, then you may not want to do both sides of the coin. And why I say that is because, instead of working on her second deal, Jen was able to really hand her first deal off to someone else to find the buyer, which that happened, and then she was able to focus on her second deal, and if she stays focused on the revenue generating activities, then she can actually make more money than if she were just to take the one deal and then have to go scramble and figure out how to find the buyer and are they the real buyer, and putting it all together? Well, yeah, still generates revenue as long as she can do it. But her strong suit is actually what we’re talking about. She’s good at this. She likes this. She enjoys offering value and help to sellers. So staying in that seat and doing a rev share, a JV agreement, a split to the other person, I would tell you, is the smartest thing you could do because of your personality trait. Now you don’t have to worry about dealing with that part. You just need to go get more leads. You need to go get you know, you’re you’re bringing in leads through your website. Your website’s bringing in leads through Facebook. Marketing. Do more, right? Because then you just say, hey, if this made me, you know, 10 grand, then how do I do three of these a month? And I think you’re going to feel a whole lot better, right?

Jennifer: And I don’t mind splitting the 10 grand where I just make half of whatever it is that we make, because I’m all about creating the bigger pie, and everyone gets to eat. And it just, I don’t know, it just it flows better. I think instead of like, coming from a place of scarcity, like, oh, I need all of that. I’m not going to get another deal. There’s tons of deals out there. I need to focus on what I’m going at.

Justin: Keep preaching girl, keep preaching. There are, and that’s the thing that I think a lot of people in our space, in the real estate investing space, they have a very difficult time in their mindset. They have a very, I’m blanking on the word right now, but almost like a victim mentality, like, Oh, my city is too difficult, or my marketing doesn’t work, or the market this, and they start to point fingers about why it all can’t happen, right? But having an abundant mindset, having a victor mindset, you realize there is a lot out there. There are a lot. There’s no way that I can do as many deals as I do personally Justin Colby, if there’s no deals out there. It’s just, I have a process I run. There’s no way Jen can go get these three deals if there’s no deals out there, because it’s not like she’s been done this for 20 years as a real estate investor, and so I’ll tell all of you out there, if you think it’s something like your market, the interest rates, the economy, then you will fail. You’re just not going to make it, because you’re going to allow yourself to think that way, and you will be right. You’re going to you are going to find reasons to make yourself right, because it feels better. But if you’re like me or Jen or John Kirk, you know that there’s a bountiful, it is abundant, the amount of opportunities out there, right for us to go find. We just have to go do the work and don’t make excuses. Jen, you just said, I think you send you out of the gate. You contracted six or eight or nine or something, deals that didn’t do anything right, like you analyze it, right? The numbers were off. It just, it kind of fell flat, right? You had to back out of them.

Jennifer: Yeah, they were mostly location based, or the homeowner owned too much on the property or you know, there’s a lot of drug issues in some rural areas in America right now. So I ran into that like three times so, but that was all part of my my learning curve.

Justin: Yep. And so, you know as John’s kind of whipping through your rocketly, I think he’s cleaning up. He’s doing that you’re cleaning for you.

Jennifer: Oh, good. I was saying I needed to do some house cleaning. Thank you.

John Kirk: Um, this is the other one. It looks like as well.

Justin: Is this the other deal that you did in Anderson, South Carolina. That’s a gorgeous deal.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Justin: Good for you. What did you contract that one for?

Jennifer: 140 and then we got 154

Justin: Nice, 14. Jeez, love it.

John Kirk: It’s amazing.

Justin: Where is Anderson, South Carolina. I don’t even know. Um. I just like brick built homes. I mean, they’re just as solid as it gets, just as you know, nice little community, yeah? Where we at Greenville is the closest bigger city. Yeah, cool. Love that. Good for you. I couldn’t be prouder of you. And so all told, right, I know we, got off to a little rocky start on this training. But all told, two deals contracted sold. The buyers haven’t officially closed escrow, but sold earnest money in one a third part, a third deal you just contracted when?

Jennifer: Today, yeah super fun. It is in Temple, Texas.

Justin: Okay, cool. And so you are doing all this business virtually, (yep), not in your own backyard. You’re in the Bay Area,(Yep, San Francisco), doing it through your online presence, with your website, Facebook ads and Rocketly, (Yep, that’s it) and you are underwriting and analyzing through what Zillow, REI Lead machine. What are you comping with?

Jennifer: Yeah, so I comp with Zillow. Comp. I use Redfin. I guess no one else uses Redfin, but I like to go there, but I never hear anyone say Redfin, but I use Zillow, Redfin. Privy is tough because privy doesn’t necessarily pull up everywhere. So privy doesn’t necessarily work for me all the time, unless you’re in a slam dunk city that they’re actually really in. But I’ve been doing a fair amount of underwriting in Texas. Sure, the non-disclosure state.

Justin: I want  to do Propelio. Propelio is a great resource in Texas.

Jennifer: That’s what in Kansas City is another place that I have a deal, and I have another deal, a creative deal with seller finance that I also have that’s not in Rocketly. But that’s also another non-disclosure state. So these non-disclosure states are a little bit harder to underwrite, and what I learned to do is take intuition guess and just get it contracted and figure it out.

Justin: You must have a great coach. You must just have a great coach. I do, and I don’t want to take all the credit quite, quite frankly, John Kirk has been amazing for the entire community, and I know he pours his heart and soul into this entire community. So John Kirk, you get a big up for that, for sure. But that is, that is correct. You guys got to get close enough, get it contracted. You don’t need perfect get it close enough. So we do have a question, if you don’t mind asking, How long on Rocketly, did it take to secure your first contract? Now it’s a, I don’t know if the answer is going to be totally correct. So like, you contracted six or seven or eight out of the gate, so like.

Jennifer: But that wasn’t through Rocketly. That was through Privy, so I was doing on market deal. I could totally answer that. No problem. So my Rocketky has been really up and running, like maybe five weeks now. So I would say five weeks, but I will say that I found in this game, 60 days really gives you traction, because it’s all about the follow-up. It’s I’m a relentless follow up person, which is probably why I succeed so well. And Rocketky helps me organize. But really, I also have a little running spreadsheet of people that I’m like, I gotta follow up with these people, and I just follow up with them, leave them voicemail, send them text messages. One lady that I actually have contracted. She was in the hospital, and I text her, how you doing? Are you feeling better? Nothing to do with real estate. I genuinely cared she was in the hospital. And then when she got out, I said, How are you feeling? She’s like, I’m back home. I said, Oh, thank goodness. I’m glad you’re feeling okay. And then I waited couple days later, then I asked her, do you still need help? Can I still help you?

Justin: I love that, and that’s what a lot of people don’t understand, is, you know, you have a long history of being successful within business, right? And so there’s some things that we don’t have time to go into but understanding salesmanship in a way that most people don’t. Most people think it’s a hardcore sale. They take it or leave it, buy now, whatever. But what you’re talking about is nurturing the relationship to the point of actually getting something to happen, because you actually care about the relationship, not about just getting the sale right then and right there. That is why you’re able to do that. So that’s really important. We have another question about ad spend. How much have you spent on Facebook to get these deals? Do you know?

Jennifer: Yeah, great question. I do know the answer. It’s about $35 a day.

Justin: And so you’ve done this now it took you about how long? 30 days,

Jennifer: Yeah, like 30 days, maybe five weeks. There is, if you’re a little short on cash and you want to see results. Pete, the godfather of rocketly, he basically, he has these office hours every morning, and he taught the group that you can toggle an off button. So let’s say you only want to hit Thursday through Sunday, because that’s you know, people like to be on Facebook more on those days because you’re just concerned about your budget, you toggle the off button, and then you can control your ad spend a little bit better, because if you actually time it on Facebook, they’ll charge you more money.

Justin:Yep. So here, and I know we’re running a little over relative to what I was hoping for. And so Jen, I really appreciate you. Now, here’s what I would tell all of you watching this, if you’d want to actual deep dive into Rocketly and you want to see it for yourself and how this all works. And how is she doing Facebook ads and and what does her website look like? And, you know, how does the lead come over? And then, how does the communication start? And how does the AI bot start working? Ho do the email automation? All of this, we didn’t even have time to get to tonight, right? So go to I asked John Kirk privately if he would do some private one on one consultations, and he said he would. So all you have to do is go to “” and book a demo. Say, schedule a demo so red button, and you will actually be able to get on a zoom call directly, one on one with John. So he can actually show you all the things that Jennifer’s doing, where their leads are coming from, all the kind of the granular detail. And he will do that for you guys. So if you’re watching this live, I would tell you to go to The link is right there. John, put it right there. And then the question about, does Rocketly come with a coach? Yes, it does. Yes. It does come with a coach, or coaching, I should say, in service calls, so and I forgot who asked that Issa, yes, it does. So I’d highly encourage you book a call. John will be able to tell you all about how we have these calls each and every week. They come with coaching calls or customer care calls, customer service calls, sales calls. You know, just it. We want to make sure you guys are successful in the same way Jennifer has been and so again for the evening, I know you could be with your kiddos. Jen, so thank you so much for spending some time with me and helping the community out. John, thank you for jumping on helping us out, both of us, technology wizards, me and Jen, thank you for jumping in, brother and helping out, and thank you for offering some of your private time for people to go to And in scheduling a demo so Issa, I would go schedule a demo right now for all of you guys still on enjoy your night. Appreciate you all. Thank you, Jen, appreciate it.

All right, bye, guys, see you. Bye, bye.

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